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:banghead: Just had to vent. I bid on a lot of books I was watching today on Ebay and was the only bidder and someone literally outbid me in the LAST 5 SECONDS. :angry: I literally gasped when I saw it happen.


I like Ebay, but usually choose the buy-it-now option because of situations like that. Man...that irks me. Total waste of my time today.

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Of all the times I have bid, I have won once. Once! And it was an easy to find item. I am not a fan of eBay. I usually do buy it now or somewhere else. IF I really want it, I just bid my highest amount I will stillbe happy with and let it go. Though I never win that way. ;)

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Sorry you got outbid - I've almost quit shopping on E-bay because it seems there are not great deals like there used to be and I seem to always get outbid!


We use a automated bidding company so we don't have to always watch the ending of auctions....so I've been on both ends. It's a bummer when you're outbid. Even with the sniper bidding I can get outbid....crazy!


Hope you find your books elsewhere! :001_smile:



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It's called "sniping". It can be done manually or with a sniping program. You can approach it a couple of ways.


One way is to do the same. That's what I do when I can. I wait until the last few seconds and input my maximum bid and let Ebay handle it from there. Autobidding will increase my bid until I win or I'm outbid.


If you can't be at the computer when the auction closes, just put in your max bid at some point. Ebay will autobid for you until you win or your max is exceeded. The only downside to this it may allow someone time to chip away at your bid in search of your maximum. That might cause you to lose an auction you might otherwise win if you waited until the last moment.


In either case, you need to be realistic about your maximum price and input it at the appropriate time. Putting in a bid that's lower than your real maximum is a recipe for heartache. The times I've done that I seem to forget to check on it and find out that the item sells for less than what my real maximum was.

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That happens often. I think you can get computer programs to bid at last second. I just decide what my top price will be and make that the offer. I hope you find the books elsewhere.


They were American Girl books, no biggie, but I like to find a good deal on them. The person who won (from the little info I can see) is definitely a frequent ebayer. I know some people have their ebay businesses, but I hate competing with people who spend all their time on there.

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They were American Girl books, no biggie, but I like to find a good deal on them. The person who won (from the little info I can see) is definitely a frequent ebayer. I know some people have their ebay businesses, but I hate competing with people who spend all their time on there.


I'm seeing plenty of American Girl books in the library booksale booth at our farmer's market, for 50 cents each. If you wanted some specific titles or just a random batch, PM me and I will keep an eye out. They look like this:


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It's called "sniping". It can be done manually or with a sniping program. You can approach it a couple of ways.


One way is to do the same. That's what I do when I can. I wait until the last few seconds and input my maximum bid and let Ebay handle it from there. Autobidding will increase my bid until I win or I'm outbid.

This is what we usually do. (manually, not with a program)


If you can't be at the computer when the auction closes, just put in your max bid at some point. Ebay will autobid for you until you win or your max is exceeded.
This is what we do when it's not an important item for us, or it's not a super great deal.
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I haven't bought things off ebay in years. At first it seemed like a really cool garage sale, you never knew what you were going to find. Now it's a bunch of professional ebay sellers. The last thing I bought was a supposedly new cell phone for only a somewhat good price that came with the default language set to Italian (that was fun to fix) and died after a few months.

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I haven't bought things off ebay in years. At first it seemed like a really cool garage sale, you never knew what you were going to find. Now it's a bunch of professional ebay sellers.


Same here. I only get new stuff that's "Buy it now," usually from China. I just got a manicure set for @ $4, and I buy hair pins on there too.

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