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Help with Library books


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I'm doing Library books from my library for history and science. Our Library is REALLY small but in MI you can order from any library in the state. But here's my problem when I order they are coming in sorted times with in a 3 week period. I would like to do history and science in "order" But my Christopher Columbus books are coming in and are due before my Leif Erickson. How do you handle it?

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Can you renew them. Or you could try and order a book and then a week later order the same book again so they come in at different times and you have the book you need for a longer time. Also depending on how long you use one book you can just order them in order but wait a week or so to order the next book on your list. I am always ordering books from different libraries and I know what you mean about them coming out of order.

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That happens to me a lot. I get up to 2 renewals, and I use those liberally. That buys me 6-9 weeks of use, depending on the loan time given by the loaning library. And sometimes I just read them out of order. But usually we don't have to do that.

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At our library, you can put a hold in the "suspend" state. When a hold is suspended, you still work your way up to the top of the queue, but the book isn't delivered to you until you "unsuspend" it. I think it was designed for people going on vacation, but I use it a lot, especially for series of videos. For example, I'll put all parts of a video series on hold, and suspend all but the first one. By the time we're done watching the first one, we're usually at the top of the queue for the rest, and I unsuspend them in order. Works great.

Edited by GGardner
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At our library, you can put a hold in the "suspend" state. When a hold is suspended, you still work your way up to the top of the queue, but the book isn't delivered to you until you "unsuspend" it.


Cool! I wish our library did that.

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