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Baby acne?

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So the newbie around here is 15 days old and has quite a case of baby acne. My others never got it, is there anything I can do for it? I haven't gotten his pictures done yet because I'm waiting for his poor little face to clear up!


PS...I will post a pic as soon as I get my card reader on my computer to work!

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All the creams and cleansers recommended by the ped made my babies' faces red. The product that worked best for all of the babies was Noxzema. It cleaned and moisturized. My pediatrician was impressed with my solution.

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Ok, maybe I'm just weird, but I wouldn't use anything on a newborn! Baby acne is completely normal and will go away if you leave it alone. Just wash with water on a cotton ball a few times a day.


Normally, we minimize any intervention, but our kids' faces get inflamed. I'm not sure why, but it happens every time. By day 3, their skin is like sandpaper. :confused:

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Normally, we minimize any intervention, but our kids' faces get inflamed. I'm not sure why, but it happens every time. By day 3, their skin is like sandpaper. :confused:


Yes, his face is quite red and inflamed. If it is not better by Monday I'm going to take him in to be sure it is not excema.

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Just water and sunshine took care of the baby acne on my dc. Just be careful the sun is not in their eyes. Usually I would just sit outside and hold them or walk about the garden several times a day. I use sunshine to cure diaper rash also.


Good idea :). I'm going to take him out this evening for a stroll.

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Ok, maybe I'm just weird, but I wouldn't use anything on a newborn! Baby acne is completely normal and will go away if you leave it alone. Just wash with water on a cotton ball a few times a day.


:iagree:All 3 of mine had bad cases, but I just let it be and it cleared on its own.

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Ok, maybe I'm just weird, but I wouldn't use anything on a newborn! Baby acne is completely normal and will go away if you leave it alone. Just wash with water on a cotton ball a few times a day.


My little guy's skin looked awful from about the second week to the fourth. He's six weeks now and it's almost completely clear. I didn't do anything other than wash his face with warm water and a clean cloth a couple times of day. New baby skin is so sensitive and I didn't want to use any products that might irritate it further. He looked so bad for a week or so and his cheeks were so rough and inflamed that I didn't even touch or kiss them, I didn't want bacteria from my mouth or oils from my skin further bothering him. Just keep baby clean, wipe up milk or formula and ride it out. You'll see that peaches and cream complexion soon enough!

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