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Cardmember Services is making me crazy

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These people are calling me almost every single day, from various telephone numbers. The phone that I have upstairs (main floor) does not have caller ID, so I just answer.


This morning clicked "1" to get through to a live person. I asked the woman what the name of the company was (since even the caller ID does not say). "Cardmember services." I asked to be put on their Do Not Call list. (I am already on the national do not call list). She said, "Ma'am, you were transferred to me." Me: "Then how can I get on your Do Not Call list?" She said, "I have no idea." And then she hung up.


UUUGGGHHH. When you first answer the phone, it is a RECORDING so of course you can't talk to that person.


How do I stop these stupid calls??? I know I am on the Do Not Call list because I double checked.

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I know! Cardmember Services is one of the very most annoying. I also tried talking to a real person there, to explain that I don't use credit cards, and to please take me off of their call list. I must have gotten the same rude person on the line. :D


I am also on the national Do Not Call list, but that seems to make no difference. :confused:


To top it off, caller I.D. is not functional on our line at all because of our rural area. I always have to answer regardless of who's calling, because I never know ahead of time who it is. :glare:

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These folks in one form or other have been calling us several times a month for years! All robocalls, which are illegal right there.


The only hope is to file a complain with your state Attorney General's office. There should be a way to find it online. If their office gets enough about the same caller, they just might go after them.

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"This is Rachel from Cardholder services. There is no problem with your account..."


I am with ya!


They are driving me bonkers too. An almost daily thing here.


I will stop everything to pick up the phone (not many calls here, except my dh, so I generally answer.) Then its those losers!

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"This is Rachel from Cardholder services. There is no problem with your account..."


I am with ya!


They are driving me bonkers too. An almost daily thing here.


I truly believe that God can use any situation, difficulty or person to make me more like Jesus. This is the fact that keeps me from pinching the heads off of certain people.


This is one group that makes me question the validity of your signature.

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I live in the sticks so I have to have CenturyLink for my home phone.


As annoying as they are, they have a call blocker feature. I can only have 5 numbers blocked at once but when I get on a crazy call list (despite also being on the do not call.gov thingie), all I have to do is enter a special 2 digit number and hit # and they can no longer get through.


It's part of my phone bundle so check and see if you company has this too. :001_smile:

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I don't even know what they are trying to sell.


But we receive a lot of stupid calls and many more stupid mailings. Note that we bought a house with a VA loan in late July, 2011. By September, we were getting phone calls and mailings about don't we want to get a VA loan? Now we didn't own a home for about five years and we didn't ever get as many VA loan solicitations as we did when we bought a home again. Then there are the never ending ads we get mailed about bankruptcy? I have no real idea how bankruptcy works but I would think you actually have to have some problem paying your bills. We don't at all and in fact, we would if we tried something stupid like trying to declare bankruptcy since then my dh would lose his job and we would be then in trouble. I don't know how they get our names on their lists but on the other hand, we also get mailers for private equity firms who want our business with a minimum $100K investment which we don't have either. See we aren't impoverished, aren't deadbeats, and do have a good income but we also aren't wealthy enough to have a spare $100K around nor can we afford a second house right now.

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We changed to a Charter bundle service about a year ago and had to change our home phone number. Ever since we did that we get about 10 calls a day from different groups like this. We are on the DO NOT CALL register and we never had this problem before. They don't leave messages and the hang up if a live person answers so I really have no idea how they work but we just recently transferred all of our home phone calls to a voice mail service and had blocks put on all anonymous calls. We use cell phones for family calls and have an old fashioned phone that yu can plug into the wall in case we need to make an outgoing call.

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I know this is a huge pain, BUT I report each and every telemarketer call we get. Charities and companies you do business with can still call you, but all others cannot.


On the national 'do not call' site, there is a place to report violations. You need the time they called and the number they called from. It's also helpful if you get the business name. Give a short description of the call & submit. They get fined for violating the 'do not call' rules.....make 'em pay people! :tongue_smilie:


I just keep a notepad by my phone, & report a couple of times a week. Easy peasy.

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I used to get oodles of calls from them - same problem as everyone else described and we are n both the national and our state do not call lists. I filed a complaint with our state list which did seem to get the calls to stop for awhile.


I got one again fairly recently and hung on the line to listen to the entire message and I believe there was a "press 5 (or something like that) to be added to our do not call list."


Between them and the free cruise/car people I'm thankful for caller I'd and the internet. I usually look up any unknown phone numbers that come through to see what the deal is and file complaints with the state accordingly.

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And I'm thinking I know that because I don't have one! I'm on the do not call list so any telemarketers get the 2 year old if she is available.:lol:


While this sounds fun, I wouldn't do that. Given that these companies are breaking the law to begin with, and are notorious for swearing like a sailor at people who deign to ask to be put on their do-not-call list, I'm sure they'd feel free to sign you up and bill you for whatever crap they are selling if they just got one "yes" out of a two year old...

Edited by GGardner
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Nooooo...not...not....RACHEL!!!! (playing Psycho music in the background...)


Sometimes I think if Rachel calls me one more time, I'll be the Psycho one.


Seriously though, I've been getting the same calls for about a year. Why isn't anything done even though people are reporting it?

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My husband asked the guy to take him off the list, and the rep told him "F-- you!"





On the national 'do not call' site, there is a place to report violations. You need the time they called and the number they called from.

I don't have caller id, though.

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This is a criminal company, IMO. They aren't going to stop calling and they aren't affiliated with any real credit card company. We only stopped getting calls after we switched phone numbers (for other reasons) and are now unlisted. I'm sure once they get our information from some stolen source, the calls will start again.

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While this sounds fun, I wouldn't do that. Given that these companies are breaking the law to begin with, and are notorious for swearing like a sailor at people who deign to ask to be put on their do-not-call list, I'm sure they'd feel free to sign you up and bill you for whatever crap they are selling if they just got one "yes" out of a two year old...


:iagree: These are not 'nice' telemarketers. You don't want them talking to your 2yo.

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These people are calling me almost every single day, from various telephone numbers. The phone that I have upstairs (main floor) does not have caller ID, so I just answer.


This morning clicked "1" to get through to a live person. I asked the woman what the name of the company was (since even the caller ID does not say). "Cardmember services." I asked to be put on their Do Not Call list. (I am already on the national do not call list). She said, "Ma'am, you were transferred to me." Me: "Then how can I get on your Do Not Call list?" She said, "I have no idea." And then she hung up.


UUUGGGHHH. When you first answer the phone, it is a RECORDING so of course you can't talk to that person.


How do I stop these stupid calls??? I know I am on the Do Not Call list because I double checked.


I wonder if this is the same call I receive nearly daily from hundreds of different numbers. It is always the same ladies voice on a recording saying, "I'm calling in regards to your current credit card account......." She never says what credit card and I always hang up or don't answer. Super annoying and has been going on for several years. I signed up for the do not call list many years ago and it seemed to only work for a little while.

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We changed to a Charter bundle service about a year ago and had to change our home phone number. Ever since we did that we get about 10 calls a day from different groups like this. We are on the DO NOT CALL register and we never had this problem before. They don't leave messages and the hang up if a live person answers so I really have no idea how they work but we just recently transferred all of our home phone calls to a voice mail service and had blocks put on all anonymous calls. We use cell phones for family calls and have an old fashioned phone that yu can plug into the wall in case we need to make an outgoing call.


Charter has an option where you can go in online via your email account and block all unwanted numbers from calling you. I stick these types of numbers on that list and they no longer ring through, they get forwarded to a message that says we are not accepting calls at this time. I think you can add up to 10-15 numbers on the list. It sure helped our phone stop ringing so much.

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This was from an article in Kentucky...


Although that recording was shot in Tennessee, Todd Leatherman, consumer protection director for the Kentucky Attorney General's office, said "Cardmember services" is targeting potential victims across the country, including right here in Kentucky.

Leatherman said the AG's office has received 640 complaints about "Cardmember Service" calls in the last four years alone. And right now, 29 states Attorneys General Offices are actively searching for the person, or people, behind "Cardmember Services."

"These are by far the largest source of complaints we get at the Attorney Generals office," Leatherman said of "Cardmember Services."

"Its really hard to stop," Leatherman explained. "Most of these calls are spoof numbers that transmit false information with the caller ID, and when they do that it's virtually impossible for us to trace the telephone number."



Doesn't sound too hopeful...

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It's all a huge scam, and the phone number you see on your caller ID is fake. The government can't trace them through that number when you file a complaint, so nothing will be done to stop the calls no matter how many times you complain.


A friend of mine at the state attorney general's office told me to press whatever number they tell you to, then when they answer, play along. After a minute or two, say, "Rachel, this is Ms Jones from the attorney general's office. This call is in violation of FCC regulations and we have traced your location. You may want to contact your own attorney at this time, preparatory to our agents' arrival." They still hang up, but it scares the pants off them! :lol: I haven't been contacted since I did it. :D

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