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Bedbugs and elderly reletives

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How "contagious" are budbugs? I recently found out that my ggma's apartment building is infested. They have had an exterminator out, but they are doing it in a very cheap way that won't solve the problem. The building has cockroaches and bedbugs, but they are doing just one floor at a time and only doing certain areas. In fact, my mom and aunt cleaned her apt and put one of those mattress bags on her bed. When they saw the bag on her mattress, they skipped her apt! Ggma refuses to leave. She's 93 and very stubborn. (They've been trying to get her to go to a nursing home. She's fallen several times and shouldn't be on her own anymore. I underdtand it's totta be hard to give up your independence and freedom, but be aware of your true circumstances!)


So, obviously we won't be going there to visit. But what about taking her places? Ciuld we get them from her by having her in our car? Would it help to buy a seat cover and then wash after her visit? I'm also concerned about my mom's as she frequently has her visit. (we're a slight drive so she hasn't actually been here. We always go there or go to a restaurant.) i don't want to treat my ggma like a leaper, but we do need to take the neccessary precautions. We can't afford thousands on an exterminator, nor the headache while pregnant. Mh mom can afford it even less.

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Yes, you can get them from her riding in a car. Clothing, books, pocket books... they can all carry the demon bugs.


I'm not sure how a seat cover would help - the bugs can still get from her clothing to yours in the meantime (before washing the seat cover).


They transfer easily. I would say that you should look into legal action if the super of the building isn't taking care of this. Bed bugs can make people ill - especially the elderly.

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You all aren't very encouraging. But it's good to know. I'm a little freaked out now because I just went through a bunch of hand-me-downs sent from my mom's. But she hasn't had any signs of it, so it's probably ok. I'll definitely have to talk to her about what precautions she's taking!

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Yes, you can get them from her riding in a car. Clothing, books, pocket books... they can all carry the demon bugs.


I'm not sure how a seat cover would help - the bugs can still get from her clothing to yours in the meantime (before washing the seat cover).


They transfer easily. I would say that you should look into legal action if the super of the building isn't taking care of this. Bed bugs can make people ill - especially the elderly.

Right. There is no escape. The building needs serious treatment. Heat treatment is like $47,000! I saw an episode of Infested.


They can come along on or in anything and reproduce like crazy.

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That's probably why they're not doing it right. But also why they'll never get rid of them! It's a big building- maybe 10 floors. It was all senior housing, but they converted it to low income, while retaining the seniors who haven't left yet. She really needs to just leave! But she's still bitter at my mom for having her license taken over a year ago.

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Can you take legal action saying they're not taking acre of it if they are putting on bandaids? They have had exterminators out, but they are only spraying the bedrooms for bedbugs and the kitchens for roaches. Not exactly going to take care of the problem.

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