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Tell a kid to STOP reading?! I know i am far from alone here.


Dd is an expert procrastinator. She dislikes school work, showers and bedtime (she has showered for the last 4-6 nights which is very good). Thankfully some tantrums have reduced, but now she's reading again.


Dd, it's time for bed. But moooommmm i'm reading!


Dd, it's time to get some school work done. But mooommmm what's the point of homeschooling if i can't read more?! Darling dd, you're still enrolled in public school, get to work!


I do not want to kill her love of reading, but i may have to limit free reading ti certain times. :(

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I tell dd12 to stop reading and play outside, because she will read all day if I let her. IMO it is no different than an obsession with video games, tv, the computer, magazines, and so on, so I do make her go do other things. It has not killed her love of reading, and she eats up reading material whenever she is not told to do something else.

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Yep, I have one like that. My kids have an hour gap between bed time and lights out and they read for that entire hour but sometimes I go back there half an hour or more past lights out time and they still have their nose in a book. :p And don't get me started on chores. We have books everywhere in this house (in dire need of some more bookshelves) and no matter where we are cleaning up, it seems like there's a book to be found (except the bathroom). And who wouldn't rather read than clean up? :)

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