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Help my children have a structured way to choose library books...

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I mainly use our library's hold system for books, but occasionally we go to the library and spend time choosing books, too. I was wondering if you had a system that helps your kiddos choose books instead of just the "browse and pick" method. Nothing wrong with that, but just wanting something more structured for them. I remember a friend a few years ago, that had older kids, used some type of list that had them select a book from each genre, but I have no record of that list. I know this could be a common sense question, but I'm always looking for other creative ways. Thanks!

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How about a book drom each DD section:



000 Generalities

100 Philosophy & psychology

200 Religion

300 Social sciences

400 Language

500 Natural sciences & mathematics

600 Technology (Applied sciences)

700 The arts

800 Literature & rhetoric

900 Geography & history


This plus some fiction should keep you busy :-)

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My sister had a list like that as well, and I don't remember it.


It was something, like so many fiction, one biography, one history and one from arts or science.


Yes, something like that. I think I remember it was a dial or pie graph or something. I like the list above, too. Same idea.

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How about a book drom each DD section:



000 Generalities

100 Philosophy & psychology

200 Religion

300 Social sciences

400 Language

500 Natural sciences & mathematics

600 Technology (Applied sciences)

700 The arts

800 Literature & rhetoric

900 Geography & history


This plus some fiction should keep you busy :-)


Thank you. I guess just take them along each aisle and say, "select one from each group". :)

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This is kind of what I do but not so structured or organized. I let dd pick 5 or 6 fiction books of her choosing. She often picks things like magic treehouse or fairy tale collections. Then I'll have her pick a biography, a science related non-fiction book, a living math book and possibly an art book.


I also use the hold system and pick the books that go with science, history, etc. Plus, I will pick classic literature and put it in the bag. When I'm being a responsible, organized teacher/mom I have her read for an hour a day from my choices and/or the non-fiction books. I don't have to assign fiction reading because she'll do that all day on the days I'm not so structured or organized.


ETA: I have book list on my ipad in the reminder app were I add books I read about or see suggested here so I can get them next time I reserve books or go to the library.

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Doesn't SWB have a bit about this in TWTM? Every library trip, the child is asked to select at least one book from each of the following topics:


science, history, arts, crafts, biography, novel, story, poetry


plus any other the child is interested in.

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