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sigh.. lost my cool


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he is so distracted:glare: its killing me. Literally for every problem he does he makes 4 not on topic asides. I can be in mid sentence explaining something and he points to a picture and says "That is cool" or asks me if tea is good for him?!?!?!?! I just officially lost it on him. Makes me doubt if homeschooling is what I should be doing after all.

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Weeeell, that's pretty normal for a 7yo. At least at home he has you to help pull him back on track. He'd do the same thing in a classroom, but the teacher can't tap on the next problem for all those kids. That classroom will have even more proverbial shiny objects than home, too.


I can commiserate. My teen is still wiggly and easily distractable. Shiny objects have it in for him! Keep chipping at that attention span every little chance you get, and it will get better. If he shifts from one toy or activity to another very quickly, try interesting him in it just a little bit longer. Insist he use an interrupt rule. Lather, rinse, repeat. Then do it again. And again. Usually they click at the moment you think you may literally explode. :D


I'm very thankful my oldest has been able to stay home. On top of chasing most shiny objects he will fade into the wallpaper in a group setting, which prevents getting his needs met or even known. It has gotten better as he's matured. Hormones made us take a few steps back, but he's plodding forward again. (Scouts has chipped away at that better than anything a class could have done for him.)

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My DS took 2 hours to do his math. I lost it with him, and said all the things that make us both feel terrible. ugh!


The odd thing is, he shapes up afterwards!


I even said to him: 'when you keep doing the same thing, and expect different results that is crazy.'


His response: 'isn't that what you are doing with me?'


Sometimes, he needs me to step away and let him flounder. ugh - I hate doing that, but I don't like when I loose my cool, not all all.:tongue_smilie:

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As far as the interruptions....my dd does this too and it drives me crazy. I hate having to repeat myself or start my sentence over. Now, she has to raise her hand if she wants to say something. I usually can just give her a look and she knows she needs to wait for me to stop talking....so she'll put her hand down and wait for me to finish and then I let her say what she wants. It does help.


As for staying on task....how about a timer?? It might work.


My DS took 2 hours to do his math. I lost it with him, and said all the things that make us both feel terrible. ugh!


The odd thing is, he shapes up afterwards!


I even said to him: 'when you keep doing the same thing, and expect different results that is crazy.'


His response: 'isn't that what you are doing with me?'


Sometimes, he needs me to step away and let him flounder. ugh - I hate doing that, but I don't like when I loose my cool, not all all.:tongue_smilie:


Ohhhh.....he's a bright one. And, I mean that seriously.

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