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It's been MANY years since I've been in labor and...

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I forgot what labor feels like. My daughter's back has been hurting all weekend and she said that it's been hurting off and on all day today. She said the pain's moved to the front. Does this sound like labor? I don't remember ever having Braxton Hicks so I don't know what those feel like. Could this pain she's been in just be Braxton Hicks? Her original due date was supposed to be July 5th (based on last period, symptoms, etc.), but the doctor changed it to August 15th after her first ultra sound. So, if we go by the original due date, the baby could be coming now, but if we go by her new due date, the baby will be about 1 1/2 months early...unless it's Braxton Hicks. What do you all think? She's on her way home from work so I'll know more when she gets here. :001_unsure:

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Could be pre-labor. With my first, I had Braxton Hicks like crazy. Then he finally came along around 41.5 weeks.


Fast forward to exactly 7 years ago today, in fact! I spent all day barely able to walk without stopping for bad back pains that moved a bit to the front. I was really tired and felt awful! Since I was only 38 weeks, I didn't think anything of it until after the fact. Well, I got in bed that night so looking forward to a good night of sleep when, Pop, my water broke!


Won't hurt to get checked out so she will know. And how exciting!

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Kind of either way, yes. I would suggest she try laying on her left side and increase her fluid intake. When I had a lot of Braxtons with my first, I was told by the DR to get lots of rest on the left side and drink! Another thing that came to mind was a UTI. Those can cause pain and contractions! If the resting and drinking don't help, definitely get her checked out to see what's going on.


Aren't babies so wonderfully amazing! I know you can't wait to see that little one.

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You really want to see if they can be timed. If they are distinct enough to be timed and are fairly regular then it *might* be the real thing.


Now, I had *alot* of BH contractions. They always go away when you move around and change positions. They can be regularish. But keep a certain amount of irregularity. So they would look like this....

3mins apart, 3 mins apart then 10 mins then 3 mins then 5 mins.


Instead of

3 mins 4 mins 3 mins 3 mins 4 mins 2 mins . See what I mean.


Back labor is different then regular labor. I do not have experience but back labor can make the labor progress.


If it is early labor and it is too early then get her to drink lots of water. Dehydration can bring on preterm labor. If she wants it to stop then that would help.


If I had advice for you it would be to start timing them and chart it for as long as she is comfortable. Get her to change positions and see if they go away in front. If they do then it is just BH. Which is good becase they can do some good prelabor work for her.


Hope all goes well and that she gets home safe and sound. I am worried about her driving if she is in labor. The fact that she is willing to drive home is also an indication of it being BH. A woman in labor would be more likely to just hunker down where she is and wait for someone else to drive her home. You can also watch out for her emotional signals to point the way.


What an exciting time she will have waiting for this little one.


Hugs to you both!

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Oh Melissa!


I second everything you said. You type fast!


Let us know how it all goes down Maxine. Sending good thoughts your way.


LOL! I did have back labor, not front. So when she said the back pains, really brought me back to that point. It was 7 years ago tonight that mine started. My "baby" will be 7 tomorrow! So now I am reliving all that tonight thinking of mine and hers and comparing as best I can.

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You really want to see if they can be timed. If they are distinct enough to be timed and are fairly regular then it *might* be the real thing.


Now, I had *alot* of BH contractions. They always go away when you move around and change positions. They can be regularish. But keep a certain amount of irregularity. So they would look like this....

3mins apart, 3 mins apart then 10 mins then 3 mins then 5 mins.


Instead of

3 mins 4 mins 3 mins 3 mins 4 mins 2 mins . See what I mean.


Back labor is different then regular labor. I do not have experience but back labor can make the labor progress.


If it is early labor and it is too early then get her to drink lots of water. Dehydration can bring on preterm labor. If she wants it to stop then that would help.


If I had advice for you it would be to start timing them and chart it for as long as she is comfortable. Get her to change positions and see if they go away in front. If they do then it is just BH. Which is good becase they can do some good prelabor work for her.


Hope all goes well and that she gets home safe and sound. I am worried about her driving if she is in labor. The fact that she is willing to drive home is also an indication of it being BH. A woman in labor would be more likely to just hunker down where she is and wait for someone else to drive her home. You can also watch out for her emotional signals to point the way.


What an exciting time she will have waiting for this little one.


Hugs to you both!


It gives me something concrete that I can do for her. She is home and is very, very uncomfortable. She's normally quite a wimp when it comes to pain so it's hard to tell if she's truly in deep pain or just has her normal low tolerance. I told her that if she was truly in labor -- real labor --- she would not have wanted to drive or walk or anything.


She is drinking lots of water now and is laying on her side to see if that helps. Thanks again for your advice. This is exciting. We know he's a little boy. I will keep you all updated.

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See if the pains go away after she eats something small and rests. It could be labor, or braxton-hicks. I had B-H several times a day from 6 months on with #4.


Good luck! And congrats!


She has absolutely no appetite, but I will try to get her to eat a piece of toast or something. She's drinking water per the advice above. Thanks for the congrats! I will keep you posted on the little guy's progress.

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