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Puppy Vaccination Reactions/Side Effects

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We just had the third round of puppy shots for our dog this afternoon and he is in a bit of a funk. He is slow to move, laying down a lot and/or sleeping and he didn't eat much at dinner. I don't remember my other dogs having any reactions. Has anyone noticed a reaction in their puppies?

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Mine once had an allergic reaction to the bordatella shot (the kennel cough one). He was very lethargic, shook and was either nauseous or actually threw up, I don't remember. Took him back to the vet, they told me he'd be fine but that he should never have another b. vaccine.


Call your vet if you are concerned.

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So yes, there can be reactions. If he doesn't snap out of it in a day or two, it's possible he may need to be checked out.


Of course, there can be other reasons for his behavior, such as a growth spurt, but it wouldn't be unreasonable to associate this with his shots.


I hope he feels better quickly, poor thing!



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Our vet's office was closed. This was one of those should I bother them on their emergency number?? Is it really an emergency? I should have asked my vet if there would be side effects, but didn't think of it. I did find the number to a clinic that is open specifically for emergencies and they said unless there is swelling, excessive vomiting, etc. ours was a slight side effect and he should be fine unless it progresses into the reactions above. I just feel bad for the poor guy. Thanks for the advice.:)

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