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breast reduction surgery?

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Make sure you really like and trust your doctor. :)


I ended up with some scarring issues that I didn't expect. As I'm not a lingerie model, I'm not overly concerned. The biggest nuisance was the abnormal mammogram and subsequent biopsy 4 years after my surgery. I have Kaiser and they wanted to be certain that what they were seeing was scar tissue from the surgery.


I'm not sure what else to say. Overall I'm glad I did it. I'm not as small as I wanted to be though. It would have taken a different incision and the doctor didn't recommend it although I don't recall all the specifics. I did ask lots of questions.


I didn't even try for insurance coverage. I wouldn't have qualified as I had no real medical problems because of my size.

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Best thing I ever did for myself!


My back and neck pain is gone, I don't get as many migraines, my posture is better, and my self-esteem has improved so much.

I can buy normal bras and clothes that fit, and I can actually run and play with my kids!


Mine was covered by insurance, but I had years worth of documentation from doctors and chiropractors saying that my pain was caused by my bOOks.


The surgery is no piece of cake. I wont' lie - It was agony for the first few days afterwards, but once I was past the initial pain...I was thrilled.

I say go for it - you will NOT regret it! :D

Edited by mom2jjka
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I had a breast reduction 13 months ago and I love the results so much that I completely regret not having it done 20 years before.


http://www.breasthealthonline.org/ - this was my lifeline for the months before my surgery.


I was so blessed to have an uneventful recovery. I took pain meds for 24 hours and that was all I needed. I followed the recovery recommendations at the BHO site - high protein diet and lemon tea, etc.


I had 5.5 pounds removed and ... DUH ... after 24 hours, when my husband asked me why I had such a puzzled look on my face, I realized that I was taking deep breaths. All that weight on my chest for all those years kept me from easily taking deep breaths. It sounds so simple, but it was powerful to me.


I stayed home from Church for 3 weeks, but when I finally returned, an elderly acquaintance gave me a hug and then asked if I had gotten taller. :D:D That made me laugh, but it was another reminder that I was able to stand with my shoulders rolled back.


Send me a PM if you have any questions and/or just want to chat.

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I had it done 3 years ago now. Boy, do I wish I had done it sooner. Mine was covered by insurance. I had back pain and the deep grooves in the shoulders. I went from an H cup to a D cup, so I still have relatively large b00ks, but they're much easier to deal with now!


The back pain is significantly reduced. I look and feel better. I highly recommend it. The surgery is long, but I didn't think the recovery was that bad. You can't lift things for 6 weeks, which is hard not to do. The hardest thing is the first shower after the surgery. It wasn't as painful as I'd anticipated. After about 2 weeks, I felt sort of back to normal. I was fortunate to have my preschool mom friends bring dinner for 2 weeks after the surgery, and my mom and sister helped out with the cleaning and taking care of the kids for those first couple weeks.

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I had it done twelve years ago. While I don't regret the decision at all, I wish I had been more informed about my options. My insurance did cover it but required a certain number of grams of tissue to be removed without accounting for the height or weight of the patient. I'm short and extremely thin so, in order to meet insurance requirements, my surgeon had to take me down rather small. I'd rather have been left with more even though what I have now is better than what I had prior to surgery.


Additionally, I completely lost the ability to breastfeed. Completely. There are techniques that are more compatible with breastfeeding but I didn't know that at the time.


Use vitamin E oil on your incisions to promote healing and diminish scarring. Your surgeon can advise you on this.


I was fairly disgusted by the drains left in post-op...didn't know about those.

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I had a breast reduction done 2 years ago. It was covered by my insurance . My surgeon was fabulous.

It was a tough recovery but worth it.


My only regret is that I wish I would have gone smaller.


I went from a double E to a C on the suggestion of my surgeon. I wanted to go to a B but she said most women regret going to a B. So i went with the C but I do with I went with my initial gut feeling.


However it has helped my back pain sooooo much!!!

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