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Thank you SWB (Brave Writer Content)

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Wow. just wow. Has anyone else read email from Brave Writer regarding the Mid-West Convention? Julie Bogart/ Brave Writer was not invited back to the Mid-West (Great Homeschool Conferences) this year. The email said that Susan has invited her to be in the WTM booth and share product samples, though she is not permitted to sell at the conference. Thanks, Susan, for continuing to be a voice of sanity when these strange, inconsistent decisions are made.

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Yes, I saw the email and the facebook posting. Disappointing, but unsurprising. I agree that it's awesome for SWB to again stand up for sanity and reason. I enjoyed the Cinci convention (and Julie, and Susan) last year and had such hopes that the GHC people were going to promote conventions that were diverse and broad-ranging, but alas. :(

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Wow, just wow. I just got the e-mail, which I don't feel comfortable posting over here without permission. Bravo to SWB!!!


Ironically this is a quote posted on GHC facebook page: "The day's not over. You still have time to offer mercy, extend grace and encourage somebody." - Scotty Smith.....hm, wonder if they should take their own advice.


How merciful, graceful, or encouraging is it to not invite someone who did nothing to warrant a lack of invitation? Life lessons abound. *sigh*

Edited by elegantlion
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I have no idea what happened but I guess I have gone to my last GHC. i will start going the the big state ones.


They need to leave "politics" out of it.


Sheesh... can some one PM me what happened and maybe forward me the email? :)

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Seriously. I would never go to a GHC convention after this nonsense. Stop putting religious litmus tests on people!


And can I just say Julie Bogart was an awesome convention speaker when I saw her in Richmond. That's what this political bs makes people miss out on.

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Ok, this makes me want to buy Arrow right now. I need to wait until August though, right?


No, you can just buy it and I think they send you all the ones so far. But I have the bundle of ten because I wanted to pick and choose which books/literary elements.

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Bravewriter wasn't on my radar before, but it is now! I hate when people feel the need to make political things which should not be. She sells a homeschool writing curriculum and it's a homeschool convention.


Off to research Arrow . . . see what I can replace for the fall!

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Wow. just wow. Has anyone else read email from Brave Writer regarding the Mid-West Convention? Julie Bogart/ Brave Writer was not invited back to the Mid-West (Great Homeschool Conferences) this year. The email said that Susan has invited her to be in the WTM booth and share product samples, though she is not permitted to sell at the conference. Thanks, Susan, for continuing to be a voice of sanity when these strange, inconsistent decisions are made.


Props to Susan! I'm friends with Julie and while I've never heard her speak at a convention (I don't do conventions ~ not my cuppa), I can attest to the fact that she's an incredibly motivating, encouraging person. She has a wealth of wisdom to share the lack of invite is a real disservice to attendees.


I'm so happy that Julie and SWB finally met and clicked. Now I just need to get the two of them out here to the left coast together.:D

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This does explain why there were fewer speakers that interested me this year.




There were several from last year that weren't there this year.


It was actually disappointing! Did you notice all the empty vendor booths too?


Geesh. I guess I'm glad I didn't attend the SE convention this year. I don't think I will be going again, either. :glare:


But yay for SWB!! :hurray:


Nope, I won't be going either. It is more economical to go to that one, but the convention this year wasn't exciting so I will hoof it to the convention in Durham next year.

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Props to Susan! I'm friends with Julie and while I've never heard her speak at a convention (I don't do conventions ~ not my cuppa), I can attest to the fact that she's an incredibly motivating, encouraging person. She has a wealth of wisdom to share the lack of invite is a real disservice to attendees.


:iagree: Julie is a fantastic speaker. If you ever get a chance to hear her or meet her, do it. :)

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I have no idea what happened but I guess I have gone to my last GHC. i will start going the the big state ones.


They need to leave "politics" out of it.


Sheesh... can some one PM me what happened and maybe forward me the email? :)


Our big state one is very political. They won't even have SWB because she's not the right kind of Christian. :glare:

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I do know her in person, just haven't listened to her at a convention.:)

Totally jealous that you know her in person. She would def. be on my speed dial if I did. Hmmm, maybe that's why she's never given me her digits. ;) Actually, I wasn't directing my "get thee to a conference now and listen to her" comment directly at you, though rereading my post, that I exactly what I did. It was a general command to all. :)

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Seriously. I would never go to a GHC convention after this nonsense. Stop putting religious litmus tests on people!


And can I just say Julie Bogart was an awesome convention speaker when I saw her in Richmond. That's what this political bs makes people miss out on.


:iagree: Julie is a fantastic speaker. If you ever get a chance to hear her or meet her, do it. :)


Our big state one is very political. They won't even have SWB because she's not the right kind of Christian. :glare:


Julie Bogart IS a fantastic convention speaker, but I can't say I won't go to another GHC. What other convention has the variety of speakers and vendors that GHC has? They've either been decimated by the GHC or they are political (as LizzyBee said) and wouldn't have invited even as many as GHC does. I love conventions. I don't want to think of myself as a "post-convention" homeschooler. <insert whine>


But I cannot fathom what in the world would be offensive to anyone about Julie Bogart or Brave Writer or The Writer's Jungle, etc! Utterly ridiculous.

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I ordered! It was quite the kerfluffle for me because I HATE Paypal with a passion. Someday I need to figure out how to delete that account.


I hope she grows big enough from all the toxicity from GHC that she doesn't need to use Paypal checkout anymore. :lol:

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I wouldn't go to the convention if it wasn't in my backyard, well, okay, a 20 minute drive from my backyard. I would love to go to a convention that is in Northeast Ohio, but I can't justify it with this one right at home. I hope the people at GHC get their <ahem> Stuff together.


I WILL be checking out Bravewriter. I need a new writing program. I purchased the one from Memoria Press, but I can return it if I find something I like better ;)

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Wow. I am appalled. This will be my first and last GHC. I will go because my car is already packed and my family is waiting to see us (my hometown!), but I will not come back next time. I am definitely going to go see Julie at her booth. Thanks, SWB, for being the bigger person here.

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I'm not sure if this link will work: http://app.streamsend.com/ss/1/OKm3/tq8wtgrg3w




We need a huge groundswell of homeschoolers to let the "organizers" of the world know we want academics to be at the top of the list, not a hunt of sniffing out everything one has ever said or done to see if it passes their morals-o-meter.


ETA: do you think it was the "poetry teatime" that they frowned on?

Edited by kalanamak
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I'm not sure if this link will work: http://app.streamsend.com/ss/1/OKm3/tq8wtgrg3w


Thank you!


Hm. I wonder why your convention attendance is down. Maybe because you stopped supporting my views? Therefore, you lost me as a consumer. Ken Ham-types only make up a small portion of homeschoolers, AND you already lost THEM! DURRR!!!


This does explain why there were fewer speakers that interested me this year.


The only reason I went this year is because I was leaving Sonlight and wanted to look at my new choices in person first, but I peeked at the speakers/topics since I'd be there anyway and had zero interest. I really don't understand why they're trying to be MORE like Ham. I mean, here in SC, GHC was the weekend after Ham's conference. Why would someone who was "that" kind of Christian have chosen GHC then?


Props to SWB! Again and again she takes the high road.




good lord. Can someone please make an awesome, inclusive-simply-homeschooling conference?????



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