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Plz help me find Bible verses (or anything else) that say the Bible is supernatural

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Dd12 is saying that the Bible is God's Word but not supernatural, that it's just a regular book with pages, etc. The only verse I can think of is the one that says it is "living and active..." etc.


She is thinking "supernatural" in terms of "eerie" or "spooky", I think that's what's bothering her.


So I'm trying to work through this a little with her, while praying the Holy Spirit will help her. Welcome to logic stage-questioning everything!

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I am not Catholic. I am a Bible-believing Christ follower.


Am I wrong that the Bible itself says it's supernatural? I always thought that it was. Or is it just supernatural in the sense that God wrote it through men, it has prophecies that have come true over and over again, etc? Because when I googled, that was mostly what I found.


Again, I am meaning supernatural in the sense of literally almost like alive and therefore able to work in us. But now I'm wondering if it is the Holy Spirit that uses the Bible supernaturally, not that the book itself is supernatural? It does say though that it is LIVING and ACTIVE.

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If God's Word were living and active (which I believe), how could it be confined to just the Bible? I would have to agree with your dd. ;)


However, here is a link that provides every scripture in the Bible that talks about God's Word (kjv). You can probably find what you're looking for here.



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I guess I wasn't differentiating between God's Word and the Bible. I didn't think to differentiate it but I see what you mean. But wouldn't the fact that God's Word is revealed to us as the Bible mean that it is supernatural? Since it IS the Word of God that He had written down for us?


The older I get, the more stupid I realize I am.

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We both agree that it's divinely inspired. But I guess I've always heard that it was a supernatural book-very different than regular books. Is that just because it's divinely inspired?


If so, then why does that verse say "living and active, and able to divide...."?

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Hebrewa 4:12 is the verse about being living. Here's an NIV translation:


For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.


The NLT version uses the word alive instead of living:


For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.

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But now I'm wondering if it is the Holy Spirit that uses the Bible supernaturally, not that the book itself is supernatural? It does say though that it is LIVING and ACTIVE.


I would say it is the Spirit helping us through reading scripture that makes it alive, not the physical book itself. Can you maybe quote the reference for the living and active scripture? That might help sort out what you are looking for.

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Maybe a vocabulary lesson is what she needs. "Supernatural" simply means above or outside of nature, not constrained by the laws of nature here on earth. Examples would be miracles: parting of the Red Sea, turning water into wine, healing a man blind since birth.


There are also lessons of angels and heavenly beings. Elijah shows his servant the heavenly armies of God. Angels spoke to joseph and Mary.

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I just want to point out that Catholics do believe what the Holy Scriptures say and also follow Christ. :D


Sorry, Parrothead-didn't mean it that way at all-rough morning around here; trying to check in here between all the chaos.


I meant the written Bible, not Jesus as Word or God's Word in general. So okay, that makes sense, maybe that Hebrews verse means Jesus, and not the written Bible.

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Sorry, Parrothead-didn't mean it that way at all-rough morning around here; trying to check in here between all the chaos.


I meant the written Bible, not Jesus as Word or God's Word in general. So okay, that makes sense, maybe that Hebrews verse means Jesus, and not the written Bible.

I know. I just wanted to clarify in the event some poor newb read it and started up the whole Catholic v. Protestant thing again. YKWIM? :D



FWIW: I've never in all my years studying heard that the Bible itself is supernatural. Always, always, always I've heard/seen "Divinely inspired by God and written by man" or some similar phrase. The history of the Bible as we know it today pretty much make is impossible that even the very first list compiled at the Council of Trent would be supernatural.


Then to throw a wrench into the works - There are several different versions of the Bible. Which would be the supernatural one? The Catholic Bible? How about the Protestant Bible which took out a handful of books? Maybe the Orthodox Bible which has a handful more than the Catholic Bible. Then to get started on the translations. IDK. Maybe I'm taking your supernatural stance too literally.

Edited by Parrothead
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Maybe a vocabulary lesson is what she needs. "Supernatural" simply means above or outside of nature, not constrained by the laws of nature here on earth.


So the written Bible IS supernatural in that definition then, would you say? Are there verses to support that?That would clear it up, I think.


Also the fact that the Hebrews verse prbly refers to Jesus as Word and not Bible as Word would clear it up for me, that it is NOT the written Word that is alive, but Jesus.

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EXcept maybe they'd use HE instead of IT if it refered to JC.


Gets confusing, doesn't it?


But rest in this--you are teaching her that the Bible is special and contains the very thoughts of God, the things he thought were important for us to know.


It's so deep and wonderful. Maybe that's all you really need to say.

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I know. I just wanted to clarify in the event some poor newb read it and started up the whole Catholic v. Protestant thing again. YKWIM? :D


Gotcha! I just meant it in terms of I was not believing that based on coming from a Catholic foundation, as that previous poster suggested.

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Ok, I read your replies, so I will try again.


Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.


The ability of the Bible is not the physical. It is the spiritual. It pierces not the body, as a sword might, but to the division of SOUL and SPIRIT, able to judge the thoughts and intentions. How powerful is that?



1 Corinthians 2:11

For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God.


we cannot know what another person is thinking, unless he or she tells us. The Bible is able to know not only the thoughts, but the intentions of man.


2 Timothy 3:14 You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15 and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.



Wisdom unto salvation. That sounds powerful, and active.


In an interesting correlation. Christ is also the Word of God.


John 1:1 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 [a]He was in the beginning with God.


John 1: 14 And the Word became flesh, and [k]dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of [l]the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.


Christ is the Word.


Galatians 2:20

I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.


If Christ is the Word, and Christ lives in me, as a Christian, then I too am the outward manifestation of the Word in this world, or I should be. Through ME, the WORD of God IS living and active and powerful.

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Over the last few years, I have been learning that I am sort of backwards. For years, I tried to fit God into MY realm of consciousness. I've tried to understand God and Christ and the Spirit in the ways they relate to me. I've made the mistake that the Isrealites and Jews made, I have tried to the physical of God. I can't do it!


God Himself is supernatural. He is not constrained by my puny mind or the simplicity of this world like time and space. He sits above the circle of the earth. It has sort of changed how I think about God. There are things that have already happened, but haven't happened yet. I can't wrap my mind around it, but it's true.


Just a perspective issue. I need to focus on the spiritual more and not the physical.

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I would say it is the Spirit helping us through reading scripture that makes it alive, not the physical book itself.


:iagree: So I believe your daughter is correct. The book itself is indeed just a book with pages. The words (inspired by God, which would be clearly supernatural) and the action of the spirit (also supernatural) are what make it alive.


Otherwise, I'm not seeing how you could believe it inspired by God but NOT supernatural. Odd word, though, in that application.

Edited by coloradoperkins
Changed son to daughter - oops!
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I agree with it being the message and existence of the Bible that's supernatural, not the physical book itself (although we respect the physical "carrier" of the message that we can hold in our hands). The Bible doesn't even mention the [completed] Bible, so I don't see how it could call itself supernatural. I think that's some of what Trish was alluding to above .... it's the church that has given us the attitude/beliefs we have toward this text God has given us based on what the Holy Spirit has done through the church in establishing it as canon, so it's what was/is known in the early church as Holy Tradition (the Bible, that is). Hope that makes sense.

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I agree with it being the message and existence of the Bible that's supernatural, not the physical book itself (although we respect the physical "carrier" of the message that we can hold in our hands). The Bible doesn't even mention the [completed] Bible, so I don't see how it could call itself supernatural. I think that's some of what Trish was alluding to above .... it's the church that has given us the attitude/beliefs we have toward this text God has given us based on what the Holy Spirit has done through the church in establishing it as canon, so it's what was/is known in the early church as Holy Tradition (the Bible, that is). Hope that makes sense.


Agree. And I have never ever heard, nor would I ever think to use, the term "supernatural" in relation to the Bible.

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Of course, you have to remember that the Word of God also refers to Jesus Christ himself.




This is more what I was thinking. John 1:1"In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning." NIV


God, Jesus (The Word), the Holy Spirt. . . that is where the 'power' is. The Book(Bible) doesn't have supernatural powers. Maybe that's what she's questioning? Has to be confusing for kids especially since they see movies/read books where books/game boards/etc. actually have powers. . .

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Has to be confusing for kids especially since they see movies/read books where books/game boards/etc. actually have powers. . .


that's what she was thinking.


I still did think not that it had physical powers, but was in some way "living". But these posts make sense-what coloradoperkins said especially sums it up well, and that plus Jesus as the "Word" seems to be the answer to this.


Although I must say I feel so defeated that I don't even know any of this stuff. :( Is there a good resource that would answer hard questions like this based on Scripture? I feel like I read the Bible but then I don't know answers to stuff like this. Would it be a theology book I want, or something else?

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2 Timothy 3:16&17


16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

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Gotcha! I just meant it in terms of I was not believing that based on coming from a Catholic foundation, as that previous poster suggested.

I don't believe they meant you personally, but rather Protestants historically. It is one of the views that was kept from the RC during the Reformation. So you may not have taken it directly from the RCC, but rather the Protestants kept it and continued it from the RCC (aka, it originated from the RCC/EO/the Church pre any Schisms).

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Although I must say I feel so defeated that I don't even know any of this stuff. :( Is there a good resource that would answer hard questions like this based on Scripture? I feel like I read the Bible but then I don't know answers to stuff like this. Would it be a theology book I want, or something else?




Please don't feel bad!! It can be so confusing. We think we can just read the Bible and take what it says at face value, but if we really take a look, Scripture has to be interpreted. If we could just "take it at face value," we wouldn't have so many differences of opinion on what the Bible means when it says this or that. Infant baptism or believer's baptism? Speaking in tongues is for today or speaking in tongues was just for a time? The Bible is God's only revelation to man or God speaks through Holy Tradition which the Bible is a part of (but not the only part of)? God doesn't want his children to be sick or poor, or God allows sickness and poverty? Proponents of all these positions can back their belief up with Scripture. So you have to decide who you trust to be the interpreter -- yourself, your church, a denomination, what-have-you. For us, as Orthodox Christians, we have chosen to follow the interpretation of the early church; others will choose different teachers or denominations (or themselves).


Best to you on your journey!

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I am short on time so I didn't read all of the posts and I'm not sure from what I did read whether you are wanting a Catholic or Protestant but you might check out the books by Lee Strobel and/or Josh McDowell (sp) about how we know the Bible is true, etc. They are especially good for teens with lots of questions.

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If the hang up is the term supernatural, how about Divinely inspired, that's how I've always heard it referred to. Meaning, men may have put the pen to paper, but the words themselves were given to the men by God as His Word.




I also agree with Chris in VA about defining the term supernatural. Something supernatural is above - on a higher plane than - the natural. The Bible does say in (2nd, I think?) Timothy that all scripture is inspired by God. So the written word is not the product of a natural man's thoughts, but is the thought supplied to the authors by God through the Holy Spirit.


IMO, the world has corrupted the use of the word supernatural to represent only the occult. I would definitely start with a good discussion of semantics.


ETA - of course if I read all the replies before answering, I'd have seen that you've already gotten better replies. You and dd might want to get out a concordance and do a word search on "logos."

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I think it is the content that is living and active, not the pages of the book itself. So yes, I believe it is God's Word, written by men who were inspired by God. But I don't think the pages and cover are supernatural.


One of the previous posters defined supernatural. I don't remember what she said, but I looked it up just now, and one of the definitions was "pertaining to, characteristic of, or attributed to God or a diety." So in that regard, it would be supernatural, but I wouldn't call it that because of the what we usually think supernatural means (having powers, literally living, etc). In any case, it's the words, not the ink or paper that could be called supernatural.

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1 Corinthians 2:11

For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God.


we cannot know what another person is thinking, unless he or she tells us. The Bible is able to know not only the thoughts, but the intentions of man.


HayesW not sure what you mean here. The Bible is not able to discern anything. GOD is. The Bible is not the Fourth Person of The Trinity, but contains the essence of God's character, wisdom, intentions towards us, in written form--It is the Spirit of God that knows our thoughts. Is that what you meant, or do you truly think the Bible itself does this?

Not to be harsh--just was struck by your sentence.

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