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I've been having the same dream for 41 years 4x a week

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and enough!


Is there a way to make your mind NOT dream a dream?


Same dream, over and over. It's always tornados. Always.


I wasn't in a scary storm or anything like that when I was small that I recall, but seriously man, I'm a bit tired of this, it happens like 4x a week.


Can you train your mind to have a different dream?

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What you're thinking about when you fall asleep is supposed to influence what you dream about, which works for me. Falling asleep expecting/anticipating the dream will increase your chances of dreaming it again. Also, if you can sleep with the TV on, you're likely to dream about that. I've had a great P&P dreams with Mr. Darcy that way ;) (okay, that looks more dirty typed out than it actually was ...)

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Come to think of it, when I do math before bed and get stuck on a problem, I'll dream in math.


Maybe I'll go run around Khan academy every night before bed...see if it works.


If I even so much as listened to a movie like er..uh..um...


Oh just never mind.


I'd probably be moving out the next day, I talk in my sleep as well.

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The tv thing definitely messed me up last night in the hospital--I turned on the tv because I couldn't sleep (bad headache) and I was waiting for my meds to kick in. Let's just say it's not a good idea to watch the indiana Jone's snake pit scene when you have oxygen tubing on your face...


I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time. . . :lol::lol::lol:

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I had a dream a few weeks ago that my little brother was a large packet of sugar. My dad had him on a table at a restaurant. Then I realized my brother had died while the rest of us were eating...however you tell a packet of sugar is dead. I woke up freaked out, knowing that later it would seem funny.

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Not sure what your religion/spirituality is, but our Sunday school is reading this book. You might find it interesting. One take away I've had so far is that dreams, even nightmares, always come in the service of healing and wholeness. Also, dreams will keep presenting themselves until the message is received/issue is resolved.


I hope you find peaceful rest soon.



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Since I was about 15 yo, more than half my dreams have taken place in shopping malls. Sometimes I don't even realize it until I'm telling someone, like, "... and then we ran into this big place that was like a market with all these shops... Oh, good grief, it's another mall dream!" That annoys me so I can't even imagine how nuts the same dream would make me!

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The tv thing definitely messed me up last night in the hospital--I turned on the tv because I couldn't sleep (bad headache) and I was waiting for my meds to kick in. Let's just say it's not a good idea to watch the indiana Jone's snake pit scene when you have oxygen tubing on your face...


Oh my! That would be something! I used to dream as a kid that I was floating away with balloons and there were lions underneath me. The balloons would pop and I would be on the floor of my bedroom rather than my bed.

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I've had the same dream off and on for 12 years, but it involved a traumatic event in my life. As time goes by, I have the dream less often. I can't imagine having it as often/long as your tornado dream. It also seems odd that you would have a reoccuring frightful dream and it's not even trauma induced. A past-life trauma perhaps? ;)


I did get to the point in my dreams though where I didn't wake up, but was able to say, "Hey. This is a dream. This is MY dream. I want to choose a different ending." That was kinda a nice healing phase for me. I couldn't make the dream go away, but I was able to recognize it as a dream while I was still dreaming, and change the ending. Don't know how to teach you to do that though. Sorry.


Hoping for sweet dreams for you. :001_smile:

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I did get to the point in my dreams though where I didn't wake up, but was able to say, "Hey. This is a dream. This is MY dream. I want to choose a different ending." That was kinda a nice healing phase for me. I couldn't make the dream go away, but I was able to recognize it as a dream while I was still dreaming, and change the ending. Don't know how to teach you to do that though. Sorry.


Hoping for sweet dreams for you. :001_smile:


This is called lucid dreaming, and can be a very powerful and enjoyable way to get rid of recurring bad dreams -- there's plenty of information on the internet about creating lucid dreams.

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I have tornado dreams too! Not as often as you and more random. I had them a lot when they started about 8 years ago, maybe once or twice a week, but now maybe once or twice a year. Mine are not too scary either, usually they are in the distance and never get too close. I always joke that I must feel like my life is spinning out of control.:tongue_smilie: When I was younger my reoccurring dream involved floating which was always fun at first until I realized I didn't know how to get down and then I would panic.:001_huh: Why do we dream the same thing over and over.:confused:

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I usually just think of something to dream about i.e. I close my eyes and daydream about something completely trivial, then I fall asleep and that dream continues on.


This has worked in getting rid of the 3 dreams I used to have with increasingly regularity, one I had since childhood.


1. Was one of those circle banisters, I would be at the middle top, looking at the dancers below, would lean a little bit closer and the balcony would break, and...down I would go.


2. Was wrestling a crocodile in calf deep water, then it would be like the drain was pulled and I would get sucked down into black space.


3. Is the childhood one - I am in my local supermarket and E.T. comes waddling in, sees me and goes "nyyyyeeeennnnnn" and his eyes glow red and he starts chasing me down the aisles. ..... yeah, I've had that dream since I was 4 and my parents put on E.T. for my brother.....I went to bed, swore I saw a UFO go across the sky, and that was it, state of utter lunacy. I had the dreams up until about 3 years ago, when I started using my Nintendo DS (and now my iphone) to play logic puzzles/card games etc, slow, boring mathematical/logical equations, it would calm my mind and the dreams became a rarity.


About 18 months ago, I started experimenting with starting my own dreams, and I haven't had any of the dreams since ( I do have some weird dreams and the ocassional nightmare, but its never been those ones again, which is good, as the ET one used to scare the crazies outta me.)

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and enough!


Is there a way to make your mind NOT dream a dream?


Same dream, over and over. It's always tornados. Always.


I wasn't in a scary storm or anything like that when I was small that I recall, but seriously man, I'm a bit tired of this, it happens like 4x a week.


Can you train your mind to have a different dream?

Do you live in a tornado-prone area?


When I live anywhere near the coast (and I grew up near one), I have tsunami dreams regularly. When I live elsewhere, they stop.

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I had vivid recurring dreams as well. Mine were about me having a different family. I swear the story lines picked up where the last dream ended. It was actually very stressful to wake up from those dreams and to keep having them. I always felt guilty th at my subconscious was coming up with this stuff.


Finally I started praying for the dreams to stop. It seems to have worked. I haven't had one in almost two years.


In the mean time avoid as much media on tornadoes as possible, look up the actually statistics of the likelihood of being in one, get a weather radio to feel more prepared.

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Used to live in a tornado area, but not anymore.


The tornadoes in my dreams can *think* and I know what they are thinking, ya bizarre, right? Had another one last night, this is as regular as a clock with me.


There's usually more than one giant one. Maybe I did get caught in a storm as a kid or something or something, but I don't remember any trauma from one. If I had any old family left, I'd ask.


Watching them on TV or anything like that doesn't seem to change it at all, the theme etc. I think I've actually been in like maybe four tornado's in my life, debris and all, and that doesn't even change things.


Wouldn't it just be nice if we could find a certain brain cell and get right of that connection? Maybe one day in the future we will.

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In your dream, are you aware that you are dreaming? Have you ever tried to tell the tornadoes to go away? I can change my dreams when I don't like them, or I can make myself wake up. I have no idea how I got to be able to do that, but it works.

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No I don't think I am aware that I'm dreaming.


I was walking down the downtown area the other day, and I saw this shop sign for "hypnosis" and was wondering about it. Never tried it or anything. But it did cross my mind, "Hey, what if I went in there and asked if hypnosis could cure this?"


Then I thought they'd ask where my big person was and toss me in the road..lol.

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I read a book many years ago that had an explanation of dreams that really resonated with me. That author's take on it was that dreams are in the language of symbolism and that the elements in our dreams are less relevant as being that actual item than representing what that item means to each person. For example, a lion might represent one thing to an urban accountant (fear of being consumed), something completely different to a naturalist (something precious about to be lost), and yet another concept to a hunter (excitement and opportunity).


I have had recurring tornado dreams over the years, starting when I was approximately 8yo and at certain times peaking at several each week, but now they are seldom. I think they are connected to my feelings of fear at being unable to control the events in my life. In the dreams, I don't feel extreme fear, but I run and I hide, often pop out occasionally to see where the tornado is located and then pop back into hiding. Very little of the dream deals with actual impact, but most of it centers on the running and hiding.


I think that when I was actually able to identify what the tornado signified to me, I began to be a lot more comfortable with the dream and now if I have one, I take a few moments to reflect on what feels out of control in my situation. HTH

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I have not idea how to stop reoccurring dreams. I wish I did.


I found this at DreamMoods:



To see a tornado in your dream suggests that you are experiencing some extreme emotional outbursts and temper tantrums. Is there a situation or relationship in your life that may be potentially destructive?

To dream that you are in a tornado means that you are feeling overwhelmed and out of control. Your plans will be filled with much complications and you will be met with a series of disappointments.

To see several tornadoes in your dream represent people around you who are prone to violent outbursts and shifting mood swings. It may also symbolize a volatile situation or relationship.


My reoccurring dream is I'm at a pool party, both of my Grandma's are there as well as all my aunts, uncles, and cousins. There's about 50 people there. My kids are swimming, and I need to go to the bathroom. I go around the party asking everyone to watch my kids swim, I ask my parents, grandparents, etc. Everyone, including DH, assures me they will watch my kids. I go to the bathroom, come back, and can't find my redheaded DD. I finally find her at the bottom of the pool.


In my dream my DD is about four years old, she's 14 now. She knows about this dream and it freaks her out.

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My maternal grandmother used to have a saying:


"What 'chu wanna go doing that for? Some big old wind is jus gonna come along and take it all away in the end.."


She didn't mean this in a bad way, but she meant it in the way to seriously think with common sense on what you invest your money, effort, time and love in.


Is it materialism, permanent, is it worth it, is it wasteful?


Maybe it's my Grandma's common sense talking to me?


Good Lord I haven't thought about that in years and years and years.

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I had a dream a few weeks ago that my little brother was a large packet of sugar. My dad had him on a table at a restaurant. Then I realized my brother had died while the rest of us were eating...however you tell a packet of sugar is dead. I woke up freaked out, knowing that later it would seem funny.


Ok, this tops the cake as one of the weirdest dreams I have ever heard!!! :w00t::lol:

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Interesting! My reoccurring dream , at least 30 years old, is finding new rooms in whatever home I currently live. Another is that my youngest is a baby, or that there is another baby, unidentifiable, in our home. That dream is about 8 years old. I understand that one (I've always wanted 6 children; I think I keep searching for the missing 2). I don't get the rooms one.

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I had the same dream for years, and it was always when I felt like I couldn't control the circumstances in my life. I was always trying to ride a horse, but either I couldn't get on the horse, there weren't any stirrups, or I would get on but couldn't find the reigns, etc. I could never, never actually ride the horse. I had this dream for many years and then it suddenly stopped after I had my first child - after years of infertility.


Now I have another dream when I feel like my circumstances are out of control. I'm always trying to dial a phone, usually because of some sort of emergency. But I can't remember the phone number, or I can't push the buttons, or the buttons just fall of the phone, or I get through only to get disconnected, or I dial 911 but I can't get through...


The WEIRDEST dream I've ever had, by far, was when I dreamed I was a triangle. It was really hard to walk. :lol: I occasionally have dreams of tornadoes but I would love to be a storm chaser so they tend to be good dreams.


I hope the OP finds an end to the recurring dreams!

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Interesting! My reoccurring dream , at least 30 years old, is finding new rooms in whatever home I currently live. Another is that my youngest is a baby, or that there is another baby, unidentifiable, in our home. That dream is about 8 years old. I understand that one (I've always wanted 6 children; I think I keep searching for the missing 2). I don't get the rooms one.


I haven't had it in a while, but throughout my life I've had the dream about finding rooms in my home. It's really weird. At times the rooms have been in obvious spots, that couldn't have been overlooked in reality. Other times, there are secret hallways, etc. I've never had anyone else say that they've had that kind of dream, so it's nice to know I'm not the only one.


This site has an interesting interpretation of that specific kind of dream.


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Did you read about the dozing pilot who woke up and thought Venus was an oncoming craft? He put the big jet into a nose dive, injuring many. No one was killed, but what a nightmare.


Try telling yourself to NOT remember the dream. It is easy to train yourself to remember dreams. Try the opposite.


My father had a favorite dream. A few times a year he'd come down in the morning with a smile and say he'd had his tiger dream. When he was about 95 years old he told me his dream was PETTING a tiger. I'd come down smiling, too.

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I haven't had it in a while, but throughout my life I've had the dream about finding rooms in my home. It's really weird. At times the rooms have been in obvious spots, that couldn't have been overlooked in reality. Other times, there are secret hallways, etc. I've never had anyone else say that they've had that kind of dream, so it's nice to know I'm not the only one.


This site has an interesting interpretation of that specific kind of dream.




Interesting!. Thanks. :)

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You guys dream about the weirdest things :). Anyway my dreams are pretty boring basically they are just random life events. Like getting married taking kids to school and going out. The thing is I always know that I am dreaming and can mess with stuff in dreams like changing colors of clothing or making things appear.It really is fun but when I have nightmare just like my dreams they ate extremely vivid :(

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