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What were your baby "must haves"?

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I am due with my third baby in June. I know - I should have this DOWN by now, but some things are different this time 'round. Lol.

First, I donated all of my son's baby items (clothing, swing, etc) weeks before finding out about this (surprise!) pregnancy, so I do not have an eye ball standing of what I have and what I need; two, I have no intention of breastfeeding (don't hate me - I only weaned my son a couple months ago at 2 1/2 years old, I just don't have it in me to do it again); third, writing it out helps :D.


I have a list of things I know I do NOT need (but insisted on with my son):

*Moses Basket (useless, expensive item considering you cannot safely use it after the baby can lift his head)

*Crib bedding set (can't use the comforter or the bumper; so we are going with a fitted sheet this time around, lol)

*Baby bath (I'm torn on this; but I'm having another c-section and it was always easier for me to just bathe WITH baby, rather than bending over the tub, until the baby could safely sit in the tub or sink to be bathed)



So far on my "must buy" list are the following:


Infant car seat

Swing (lifesaver!)

Crib mattress (our son is using his in the toddler bed)


Other clothing


(I have plenty of washcloths and our son still uses baby bath, so I have that in ready supply)



What am I missing? Also, what would you consider "the best" in terms of baby bottles and formula feeding supplies?

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For me, gear-wise the only things I must have are:


A bouncy seat (to keep baby off the floor so older siblings don't step on her)

A pack-n-play. For us it doubles as a bassinet plus they are so handy.

Excersaucer/standing bouncer of some sort

A few nice blankets of different thicknesses

Car seat

Baby carrier (I have a sling and an Ergo and use them both regularly the first year or so)

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Under 6mth....


Bouncy seat, the simpler the better. Buy used! but check for recalls.


Swaddling blankets, non fleece. I like non-fuzzy blankets so they can be washed with the laundry without getting fuzz balls on everything.


I like a large fleece blanket (double bed size is my fave) for the floor for the baby to roll/crawl around on. I don't have to worry so much about what is on the carpet, and I can wash it often.


I like outfits that do not have feet in them. My newborns were in gowns for the first month, and slept in them until they outgrew them. My kids had long feet and they didn't fit right. I like clothes that come in coordinating outfits (3 tops/3 bottoms that all mix/match), so I don't only have one pair of pants for each shirt. I prefer fewer outfits, but that can all be washed together (no random red shirts etc).


I like single color, single style socks. I don't like to match socks! If they are all the same, it keeps it simple.


I think I would have loved a wrap to carry baby, but with a bad back they didn't work for me.


I like MAM pacifiers (easy to find) but dd5 came with nubbys (not easy to find when she was a baby) so that is what she used.


I like a large play pen so I can walk out of the room for a second, without worrying about the baby. I use them instead of a cradle for a sleeping baby. Dual duty.


I like cloth diapers/wipes but will use disposables. I Do Not like Luvs brand or any other scented brand.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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Have you seen this tub?




I bought it with my third and I absolutely loved it. It's basically a glorified bucket, but it was worth every cent. It made me wish I had it through all three kids. It has a foam seat with an indentation for their bottom. It's easy to remove and clean and I was able to start bathing her in it at 5 weeks.


I'm not sure if you like slings or carriers, but I loved my Moby Wrap and Ergo carrier. The Moby was great for the early newborn stage and the Ergo was great after 6 months when she wanted to be able to ride on my back and see more.


We also ditched the fancy padded high chair with all of it's annoying nooks and crannies for a simple one from Ikea. The seat is a single piece so it's super easy to clean and the legs are removable so it's easy to travel with.


The third time around I realized how little I actually needed. I bought every possible contraption with my first DD and ended up giving it away or selling it. For the first few months it looked like Babies R Us had thrown up in my house. I just got so sick of the clutter, especially since we didn't use most of it. We were down to the bare minimum with this last one and I have been loving it :001_smile:

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We used Born Free bottles. I like the venting system and found that gas was a rare issue with them, and they are easier to clean than the Dr. Brown bottles. ... Yes, formula feeder here, too - breastfeeding was not an option for us, but there are advantages to bottle feeding. DH and baby are very well bonded. :) We found the best price at albeebaby last year, but shop around. Oh, and the little formula dispensers are nice too - great to keep in the diaper bag with a pre-measured amount of formula and/or on the nightstand. We prep the bottles with water, and are good to go.


Swaddling blankets, sleep sacks. I like the little night gowns when babies are tiny.




We used a Co-Sleeper that attached to the bed... Not a necessity, but a nice to have item.


A great diaper cream to have on hand, and various baby meds so you don't need to do late night runs. We still have the same tube of diaper cream that we bought prepping for our almost one year old... Didn't really need it, but nice to know it was there.


We didn't go all out and purchase a lot this time around... just the basics. The most useful gadget we were given, by far, is the nifty little electronic nasal "vacuum"... So much easier to use than the bulb syringe! Other than that... we didn't have many gadgets.


Oh! And we used a bath pillow. Baby just reclines on the pillow and it looks so comfy! Just hang the pillow up to dry after the bath.

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Not to hijack this thread, but I had to jump in because, bizarrely, we just found out we're expecting a third, very surprise, baby. Our youngest is 4, and we were about done with the "I think this is the whole family" talks...


Luckily, I still have the crib and mattress because it's a convertible and we haven't moved our son into a "big boy" bed yet. I just got done selling the jogging stroller and other small outside things, though. Still have one stroller, so I guess that's something. Oh, and my sister still has my Ergo - time to recall that, I guess!


I'm going to have to read come back through this thread. I know I want to keep it simple this time, so doubt we'll buy a swing or that goofy seat that was so popular when my sister had her baby a couple years ago.

Edited by AnaShoo
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Must have the bath pod! Lol. It's on my list now. Love the looks of it.


Is the Moby as complicated as it looks?


We have an Inglesina high chair from Nico still; and I love it. No frills. Sturdy and super easy to clean.

Have you seen this tub?




I bought it with my third and I absolutely loved it. It's basically a glorified bucket, but it was worth every cent. It made me wish I had it through all three kids. It has a foam seat with an indentation for their bottom. It's easy to remove and clean and I was able to start bathing her in it at 5 weeks.


I'm not sure if you like slings or carriers, but I loved my Moby Wrap and Ergo carrier. The Moby was great for the early newborn stage and the Ergo was great after 6 months when she wanted to be able to ride on my back and see more.


We also ditched the fancy padded high chair with all of it's annoying nooks and crannies for a simple one from Ikea. The seat is a single piece so it's super easy to clean and the legs are removable so it's easy to travel with.


The third time around I realized how little I actually needed. I bought every possible contraption with my first DD and ended up giving it away or selling it. For the first few months it looked like Babies R Us had thrown up in my house. I just got so sick of the clutter, especially since we didn't use most of it. We were down to the bare minimum with this last one and I have been loving it :001_smile:

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Sleep sacks. I prefer the non-fleece ones -- get ones in a lighter-weight cotton for summer & heavier for winter (of course, depends on where you live).

I plan on making several! Since we can't do blankets or comforters (or aren't supposed to), swaddlers and sleep sacks are a must.

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Instead of a traditional baby bath, I used one of the mesh seats that goes in the sink. Was wonderful.



Newborn gowns, my infants live in them

Boppy pillow

Baby carriers. My favorites are: newborn -ring sling (sleepingbaby.net) and Bali baby stretch (like a Moby but lasts to a much higher weight limit and you can back carry) for older babies, I love Olivesandapplesauce.com


I think I could live without much else. :tongue_smilie:

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We have had good success with Doctor Brown's bottles.


"Musts" for us are a Boppy Pillow

Big, thick, absorbent spit cloths

Receiving blankets

Those baby gowns with the elastic at the bottom, great for not having to fumble with snaps during late night changes

A good camera

Lots of chocolate :D

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Love those little baby gowns. A few days after oldest dd was born, dh and I were out buying more and more of those gowns because we loved them so much.


When we used bottles, I preferred the Playtex nursers. For us, they made it very easy to go back and forth from breast to bottle. They were easy for me too.

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About 12-16 soft cotton outfits, appropriate for your weather/season

A good carrier. I love my Moby for when they were wee little babies, and then I loves my Maya wrap sling. Once they are able to splay their little legs (around6 months) I love the Ergo.

Car seat. We use the bucket style, but only because they fit small babies better, IMO. We don't use it for sleeping or anything like that (mostly because my kids will.not.stay.asleep.if the car stops moving.:glare:)

Swaddling blankets. We love the muslin ones, because it's hot in FL, and these are really lightweight and soft.

Cloth diapers, at least 48 for the newbie stage...they pee a LOT! I typically use prefolds or flats, which also make nice burp rags, spit up wipers, ect.

Coconut oil-great for diaper area, massage, general moisturizing. Good for mom too!

For mom-a peri bottle, Witch Hazel for the perineum, a homeopathic oil for the perineum area (I want to say a mix of apricot, almond, lavender, and maybe vit E oil?) my midwife gave it to me. A good water bottle, easy to eat snacks.


Might want-

Boppy was nice to have, but only because I had it from dd1(7years). I could have used a pillow or nothing really.

Play mat

Swing/bouncy seat


Thicker cotton blankets, like the Gymboree kind. They last forever and are super soft. I still have them from dd1, and they look brand new!

Disposable diapers. For those times you are too tired to wash.;)

Wipe warmer (especially if it gets cold where you live, this is nice!)

Bumbo seat for when they are 3-4 months. I used mine in the shower when dh was traveling a lot and I was on my own with the three girls. We all hopped in together and the baby sat in the seat


Never used-

The beautiful crib we bought for our first child:001_huh:

The beautiful natural wooden toys/rattles we bought.

Lovey toys

Fancy clothes

Fleece blankets



Hats or hair bows

Bottles or

Bottle holder/sterilizer/drying rack

mesh feeder devices

Baby soap/shampoo/powder

Baby bath thing, I'm like you, it was easier to just get in with them

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I second the gowns, it's just so easy to change diapers with those.


The swaddling blankets with velcro- I'm not good at swaddling on my own with a regular blanket.


A Nosefrida snot sucker- worked so much better than the old bulb syringe.


A temporal artery thermometer- quick and easy with a fussy, sick baby, and ours always seemed quite accurate when compared with another method or the doctor's reading.


A boppy for feeding and a good baby carrier for wearing baby

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Must have the bath pod! Lol. It's on my list now. Love the looks of it.


Is the Moby as complicated as it looks?


We have an Inglesina high chair from Nico still; and I love it. No frills. Sturdy and super easy to clean.



Not at all! I will admit I was intimidated at first, but within a week I felt like a pro :001_smile: Check out these videos on their site. I used the "hug hold" exclusively for the first six months. This is by far one of the most comfortable carriers. I never had to worry about back pain and all of my babies were so content while they were being carried. It almost always put them to sleep, even at 6 and 7 months so I often wore it during school time. It's super easy to wash since it's one giant piece of fabric, so that was a huge plus. Once they became more interested in the world around them, the Moby still worked but I liked the versatility of the Ergo.

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We used Dr. Brown's bottles, and they were wonderful. Kind of a pain to clean, but so worth it. If I had another baby, I'd get one of those bottle drying trees, too.


I made my own Moby carrier for dd. Sooo much cheaper, and I got to use any kind of fabric I wanted.


A good stroller was a must for me, because I walked nearly everywhere after dd was born. Really helped shed the baby weight, and with ppd.

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Must have the bath pod! Lol. It's on my list now. Love the looks of it.


Is the Moby as complicated as it looks?


We have an Inglesina high chair from Nico still; and I love it. No frills. Sturdy and super easy to clean.



The Moby isn't that bad. There is a slight learning curve but there is an awesome video on youtube that a lady did. If you follow it *exactly* it works perfectly every time.

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SO, mine would be organic baby formula. They'll send you a free sample..... (I'm assuming that you're needing to do formula, and the good thing is you can find it now without high fructose corn syrup. There's some with rice syrup, I think... which out of the choices would be my first choice. I would also look at adding Organic Coconut Oil, because it's been proven to add the stuff for brain power... :))

For carseat, I'd probably get the Britax that you can carry around... And I love the Ergo for baby carrier. You'd need a baby insert. :) Ultimate Baby carrier is nice if you want a "Moby type" carrier, for less.

I like a wool mattress, as it makes it so your baby doesn't breathe fumes from the plastic coated mattresses. :)

I would do cloth diapers :) I love cloth from either washing it or having a service. It's just as inexpensive to order them... rather than disposables :) Or, there are disposables that don't have the chemicals now, too! :)

Also, I love having some good stuff for you!! :) It's nice to give yourself treats... I suggest some chocolate... and some frozen dinners... either bought or made prior and stuck in the freezer.


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For newborns I liked onesies which snap down the front (no over the head) and sleepers.


A sling was so essential my thrifty husband bought me 3! I used a pouch sling mostly.


I liked prefolds for under 6 months (with poly covers) and Motherease one size (with a cover) for older.


bouncy seat with removable toy bar


Smallest, most foldable stroller for wiggly toddlers

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Without a doubt, my must have item is this set of sheets:




When I was pregnant & cluelessly browsing around Babies R Us, a mother of twins told me about these. At first I kind of balked at the price for a set of white sheets; knowing what I know now, I would buy them again in a heartbeat!


No need to deal with lifting up the crib mattress when changing the sheet. Just zip one sheet off & zip another one on.


Underneath I used a rectangular waterproof pad (the kind made for a Pack N Play) so I didn't have to lift the mattress to make a change after an accident.

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I thought I'd died and gone to heaven when I discovered how mobile I could be, with a huge-o, heavy duty double stroller. I could carry huge amounts of gear, food, and more. I could shop for Christmas. I could go for hours. They could play and nap and everything....it was such a freedom thing.



A big easy chair, to nurse in, that is low enough, wide-armed for the toddler to be in on everything, get read to, snuggle.....

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It gets used almost every day, even after 8 months. I can assure you it'll get used a TON when baby #2 arrives!


Kicky Pants bamboo 2-pc newborn pjs (dgs LIVED in these). You can get short or long-sleeved sets, and they have them on Amazon. They feel AMAZING!!

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playtex nursers or soothie bottles (haven't seen the soothie bottles lately though, dh liked them better because he didn't have to mess with the liners), swing or seat, pack and play (dd slept in her's for the first six months and then from 8 and 1/2 months to 10 and 1/2 months)(she climbed out of the crib at 8 and 1/2 months with a crib tent on it, and climbed out of play pen at 10 and 1/2 months). I had one of those mesh bath slings for when dh gave dd a bath (I just climbed in with her and still do, much easier to wash her hair).

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Since I see you have a little, you might want to consider a good combo stroller that can hold a second seat too. I didn't need a second seat since the age difference was big between my two, but the Britax B-ready stroller is AWESOME.....love the baby car seat (Chaparone) since it's longer than others, so DS1 still fits nicely in it facing the rear (he's at 92nd for height for age, so he's tall)....and it snaps into the frame so I don't have to move him to the stroller, I just move the seat to the frame. I didn't know it when I bought it, but the stroller frame also accommodates a second seat on the back if needed. I love, love, love this stroller....lightweight, easy to fold and go, and the seat is great, or you can just snap the car seat in instead.


Other must haves, for me, a good supply of onsies (I like the ones that snap in the front), cotton swaddle blankets, baby bags (gowns), a boppy for nursing, and a bouncy seat.

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The more kids I had, the less I used. If I had #4 I'd need a carseat and that's about it.



Baby carrier of some variety (I used a wrap when they were tiny and moved up to an ergo when they grew.)

Nursing pillow (I used a Boston Billow pillow that the lactation consultant in the NICU gave me. Like a beanbag boppy.)

Baby gowns.


Good pump (for when I went back to work.)

Diapers (used cloth and disposable.)

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