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it's a boy! and...last baby emotions

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Had my ultrasound yesterday, and it is a healthy baby boy! I'm SO excited. I REALLY wanted a boy this time, and felt guilty wanting one sex more than the other as I had no preference really with the first two kids. This time though I knew it was probably my last and wanted my husband to have a biological son of his own if possible...he is the last to carry his name.


Anyway, it IS a boy!!! I'm thrilled to do the boy thing again. HOwever, behind that, is the realization that this is almost assuredly my last baby. If it had been a girl I probably could have convinced dh to try one more time for a boy..but it would have been a stretch. I always wanted a REALLY big family....but with a 10 year gap between babies one and two that just didn't happen. And now I'm 36, with a soon to be 13 year old son, having a baby. I know there is time for one more if I really really wanted, but they would probably have to be spaced closer than I like, and it gets riskier each year.


Plus, honestly....I as of right now don't feel like there are more children for us...I feel like this is probably our family. I'm GLAD I feel that way. But also sad. And a bit jealous of those families with 5 or more kids. I always wanted 5 kids...but will only have 3. Which is an AMAZING blessing, I know. I guess none of this makes much sense. I just started thinking about this yesterday as DH mentioned he is thinking vasectomy after this one, and I panicked. I think he knew I would. The idea just upsets me. I told him I'd think about an IUD, which I don't love the idea of, rather than something that permanent.


But again...I think we are ready to move on. We want to travel, it is important to dh particularly, and I think the family we will soon have is just right for that. I just get sad that there aren't more kids.


does any of this make sense?

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Had my ultrasound yesterday, and it is a healthy baby boy! I'm SO excited. I REALLY wanted a boy this time, and felt guilty wanting one sex more than the other as I had no preference really with the first two kids. This time though I knew it was probably my last and wanted my husband to have a biological son of his own if possible...he is the last to carry his name.


Anyway, it IS a boy!!! I'm thrilled to do the boy thing again. HOwever, behind that, is the realization that this is almost assuredly my last baby. If it had been a girl I probably could have convinced dh to try one more time for a boy..but it would have been a stretch. I always wanted a REALLY big family....but with a 10 year gap between babies one and two that just didn't happen. And now I'm 36, with a soon to be 13 year old son, having a baby. I know there is time for one more if I really really wanted, but they would probably have to be spaced closer than I like, and it gets riskier each year.


Plus, honestly....I as of right now don't feel like there are more children for us...I feel like this is probably our family. I'm GLAD I feel that way. But also sad. And a bit jealous of those families with 5 or more kids. I always wanted 5 kids...but will only have 3. Which is an AMAZING blessing, I know. I guess none of this makes much sense. I just started thinking about this yesterday as DH mentioned he is thinking vasectomy after this one, and I panicked. I think he knew I would. The idea just upsets me. I told him I'd think about an IUD, which I don't love the idea of, rather than something that permanent.


But again...I think we are ready to move on. We want to travel, it is important to dh particularly, and I think the family we will soon have is just right for that. I just get sad that there aren't more kids.


does any of this make sense?

It all makes perfect sense to me. We have stopped at 4 which in my heart I feel is just right for us. However, I still have those baby longings sometimes and a little sadness that I didn't have the 6 I had always wanted. But when I think realistically of having another I know that that would be wrong for us.


And, I am glad you got the boys you wanted. I hoped my last was a girl and she was. I was delighted. (I would have welcomed a boy, of course, but this made us "even.")

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:grouphug: Yes, that makes perfect sense. I just have one child and always dreamed of more, but things don't always work according to our plans. I think that a bit of sorrow and longing for what is not to be is pretty normal. Enjoy your family and that precious new son you will soon be welcoming into the world. :grouphug:

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I had two boys and thought maybe that was it, then along came our dd--we were thrilled. I honestly would've been fine with another boy, just like you would have been fine with another girl, but we were tickled that we got a girl, so I really do understand!


I went thru baby mourning about 4 years after she was born. I am working thru some regrets in my life and trying to let them go, but first I have to feel them. Blech. I wish I'd been healthier (had severe depression) and wiser and could have handled more kids, but this is my life, and I need to find peace and satisfaction in it as it is.


I think what you are feeling is totally normal. I will say you are blessed that you have two close in age--dd is sort of an "only" and I wish I'd had one more before her or after, but that just didn't happen, and it's probably best.




Congratulations, enjoy your blessings, and live YOUR life fully. :D

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Aww. I have 4 kids, 12-18. They are all wonderful. I wanted more. My dh said no way. Yesterday, I looked at him lovingly and said, "Thank you so much for saying no to me all those years ago." LOL


Like I said my kids are the best, but having a house full of teens make you thankful to know that you stopped when you did. Love on that baby. I do miss babies occasionally, but not the lack of sleep. :)

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Yep, I think it makes complete sense!

I think that every woman, especially, has a little part of her that would just keep having babies. ;) I always wanted 3, we had 3, and I was totally done at 3. I'm happy to be done. I'm happy to be past the baby stage! :) But sometimes it's like, wow, we really won't have any more kids! Because part of me could see us with a houseful. :) Even though I know that isn't 'us'.

So yeah, that probably makes zero sense - but you definitely know that I know where you are coming from! :D

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