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Just got a membership at the Y, and WOW.

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I haven't had a gym membership in a long, long time. Since college, I think, and even then I was doing so many hours of MMA each day I hardly used it. Well, I finally broke down and got a membership at the Y today, and holy cow, are things different than I remember.


The cardio area is amazing. They have rows and rows of shiny treadmills and elliptical trainers and things I've never even seen before. Every cardio machine has a small flat screen tv attached. You plug in your own headphones, and can pick from around thirty channels to watch while you work out. Or, if you can't find anything good on tv, each unit also has an ipod dock which, according to the Y employees, will charge your ipod while also letting you listen to your music or watch your own movies.


Also, they have a huge pool, with waterslides and a hot tub. And a running track. And a million strength training machines.


Oh, and did I mention they have a childcare area where dd can play (supervised by trained early ed staff) while I work out?


Also, they have over a dozen different classes every day, everything from yoga to pilates to boot camp, and I can go to as many as I want.


All of that- even the childcare- is only fifty bucks a month. Plus they'll give me a full fitness workup and set me up with a six week plan for free.


I think I'm in love. :001_wub: Are all gyms like this? I'm going to end up buff by the end of summer.

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no not all gyms are like that. The Y is AWESOME though. They USE to have a membership based on income, but when they stopped getting donations, they quit the program so now its a solid cost no matter what. We miss our membership. I loved the indoor and outdoor pool, the gymnastics, the baseball, the cycling. :(

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We just reactivated our YMCA membership. Dd14 and I do strength training together. I think our Y is fantastic too. We pay $81 for a family membership. I consider it a bargain for everything it offers. Now I just need to work up the courage to join a class. Dd14 won't do Zumba with me. She said she would just die of embarrassment! :lol:

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We just reactivated our YMCA membership. Dd14 and I do strength training together. I think our Y is fantastic too. We pay $81 for a family membership. I consider it a bargain for everything it offers. Now I just need to work up the courage to join a class. Dd14 won't do Zumba with me. She said she would just die of embarrassment! :lol:


:lol: I'm trying to work up the courage to go to a yoga class, but I can just imagine what I'd look like from the back doing down dog or something in tight yoga pants... Think I'll spend a few months in the cardio area first. :tongue_smilie:

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:lol: I'm trying to work up the courage to go to a yoga class, but I can just imagine what I'd look like from the back doing down dog or something in tight yoga pants... Think I'll spend a few months in the cardio area first. :tongue_smilie:


Heh.. the trainer I had that put together my strength training program was trying to talk me into a class. She told me to stand in the very back or ina corner so I could leave anytime. She promised me no one would be guarding the door. :D But I'm with you. I'll hang out for a couple of months and get used to the gym area before I venture into the classrooms.

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We used to have a Y membership. I would love to have one again, but it's not really in the cards right now. Oh, well.

I went to an ab class the fall after I had DD... I can't even remember what it was called. Let's just say that after 3 c/s, my abs were toast... I went to like 2 of the classes and then decided I'd try something else first, to get READY for the ab classes! :lol:

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Our Y is nice like that. However it is in the "rich" part of town and is almost a 15 mile drive for me one way, so even if I could afford the membership I couldn't afford the gas there to use it.


It's a sore spot with me because I thought the Y should be accessible to every one and ours is not.

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We used to have a Y membership. I would love to have one again, but it's not really in the cards right now. Oh, well.

I went to an ab class the fall after I had DD... I can't even remember what it was called. Let's just say that after 3 c/s, my abs were toast... I went to like 2 of the classes and then decided I'd try something else first, to get READY for the ab classes! :lol:


:lol: That would be me, too. Last week I was trying to show dd how to do a sit up (no idea how we ended up talking about that) and after about three of them dh practically had to carry me to the couch.

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Our Y is nice like that. However it is in the "rich" part of town and is almost a 15 mile drive for me one way, so even if I could afford the membership I couldn't afford the gas there to use it.


It's a sore spot with me because I thought the Y should be accessible to every one and ours is not.


:grouphug: Could you get financial aid for the membership and maybe carpool with somebody?

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I really liked our Y, but we moved and all the Ys around here are in financial trouble or too far. No waterslides at the pool though but the kids swim lessons were cheap and awesome.




For us, it is an inexpensive version of homeschool gym, regular gymnastics, ball courts, club areas for kids (my son has taken up with a geek squad made up of Asian kids and him), and swim lessons. We get our money worth.

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:lol: I'm trying to work up the courage to go to a yoga class, but I can just imagine what I'd look like from the back doing down dog or something in tight yoga pants... Think I'll spend a few months in the cardio area first. :tongue_smilie:



Just GO! The lower the class level, the less yoga-like everyone will look. I once did a 'gentle yoga' class and was the only one there without gray hair. Still, it was a lovely stretch and those blue-haired old gym ladies ROCK! I want to BE them when I'm old.

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I once went to a Zumba class, but I accidentally went to the advanced ZUmba one.


Trust me, there's NO WAY you could look more embarrassing than I looked in that class! :lol: My 3yo has more rhythm than I do.


LOL! At my club, all the instructors are encouraged to take classes outside of what they teach. I have started taking Sh'Bam and Zumba. You cannot look worse than I do. My hips just don't do that. Plus, since I'm an instructor, I know people are watching me - they tell me so in my classes. In detail. :) Oh, especially when I fell. Full on my rear. In a class of about 50. Looking good!

Please don't think you have to be perfect or the perfect shape to attend a group fit class. Everyone in there (including the instructor) is trying to not fall and not thinking about much else. Group fit classes are a great way to push yourself, meet some new people and have fun. Go take some. Ok, getting off my soapbox.


Mergath - so glad you found a great gym with good childcare. Hope you enjoy getting fit and getting a little you time.

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I would love a gym membership but I can't afford it right now and even when I can the closest gym is 20 minutes away, and that is the Rush :ack2: I don't like their business practices.


The Y here is 35 mins away.


Bah. Dd14 would love to go to the gym.

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I haven't had a gym membership in a long, long time. Since college, I think, and even then I was doing so many hours of MMA each day I hardly used it. Well, I finally broke down and got a membership at the Y today, and holy cow, are things different than I remember.


The cardio area is amazing. They have rows and rows of shiny treadmills and elliptical trainers and things I've never even seen before. Every cardio machine has a small flat screen tv attached. You plug in your own headphones, and can pick from around thirty channels to watch while you work out. Or, if you can't find anything good on tv, each unit also has an ipod dock which, according to the Y employees, will charge your ipod while also letting you listen to your music or watch your own movies.


Also, they have a huge pool, with waterslides and a hot tub. And a running track. And a million strength training machines.


Oh, and did I mention they have a childcare area where dd can play (supervised by trained early ed staff) while I work out?


Also, they have over a dozen different classes every day, everything from yoga to pilates to boot camp, and I can go to as many as I want.


All of that- even the childcare- is only fifty bucks a month. Plus they'll give me a full fitness workup and set me up with a six week plan for free.


I think I'm in love. :001_wub: Are all gyms like this? I'm going to end up buff by the end of summer.



I'm going to have to look up how far it is to drive to you. ;) That sounds AWESOME!!!!!

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Our Y is very pricey and not all that. 750 a yr plus all kinds of fees. Plus you have to pay for most of the classes we would want to take.


$750/year may be more than we could afford, but that's only a little over $60/month, which is lower than most other facilities, and no contract to worry about. What are the other fees you have to pay?


Most Ys do offer financial aid, but if the local associations aren't able to raise money, they don't have funds available to offer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I resurrected this thread because:




I had looked a couple years ago, but members didn't have priority to sign up for classes, and many of the classes I wanted were an extra fee.

But they've changed that, and they have a homeschool PE class for my son, and some skills classes so he can learn about soccer and basketball without the pressure of competition. And there's 2 pools [no slide or hot tub] and a rock wall.


I couldn't sleep this morning [which NEVER HAPPENS] so I got up and went. I could only find a few channels to watch - mostly news or infomercials - and I couldn't see any way of getting music, but I go on Saturday morning to learn more about the machines and stuff, so I'll ask then.


Yay! Thanks for reminding me to look at the Y again. I hope it becomes a regular haunt for me and my family. :) <3

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