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I found a must-have new dvd series for Christian kids-SO good-you NEED this!


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It's called "What's in the Bible" and it's by Phil Vischer-the man who created Veggie Tales. So far there are 7 in the series with more to come. He uses puppet characters to tell about what goes on in the different books of the Bible, in order, but he also adds in archaeology facts, church history, terminology (like Pentateuch, etc.) and so on.


It is so well-done and so engaging---I actually sit and watch with my kids! It is FUNNY!! I am not a laugh out loud person, but this is the first thing in a long time that makes me laugh.


Now, for your littler kids-it will be over their head. I would say probably age 7 and over is great. My 9 and 12 yo watch and love it and crack up. My kids know a TON about the Bible and are still learning so much more! I am even learning things I never knew. So it's meaty enough for older-probably won't hold the attention of younger. Also the puppets have all different accents (Scottish, British, cowboy, etc) and it may be kind of hard to understand what they're saying for young kids. (In a way, it's kind of an odd mix because the puppets make it seem for younger but then the content is meaty, and the humor is intelligent.) There are a few parts that are kind of stupid-funny but my kids even love those.


It's just pulling the Bible together so well for my kids. I can't believe how well done it is-it just ties it all up beautifully. We are having great discussions and it is just lighting it all up for them. It really sets the stage in the first several dvds for WHY we need Christ.


The dvds use words like sin and redemption and so on but explain them so simply and in such a lovely way. I can't explain how good these dvds are! I would go as far as to say that every Christian kid should see these dvds. (No, I am not affiliated!!)


The outtakes are hysterical!


The dvds are reasonable too--$9.99 on CBD, which was the best price.


We are super conservative-hate and won't watch sarcasm and rudeness and stuff that you even find in some Christian things, but this was ok even for us.


One little thing to be aware of-the first one I think tries to be open to both Old Earth and New Earth. The reviews for the first one on Amazon explain it a little better and one person even writes out what is actually said in that one (small) part so you can judge for yourself. They are sensitive to not stepping on either belief's toes-and they talk openly about how different people believe differently on this, etc. My kids are very familiar with OE vs. NE so it was no big deal-we discuss it a ton. It's a great springboard to discuss your family's beliefs. I would say don't miss that first one because it really really really sets up all the others as far as foundation.


Here's the link-ENJOY!!!




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Someone over on the General Board where I x-posted mentioned there are also previews of it on YouTube, so that may help you decide.


I got them one for Christmas on a whim, and it sat around w/out watching-I think they were turned off by the puppet on the front (felt it was too young). Then they watched it one day a couple wks ago and BEGGED for the others. I now have 1-6 but we have two more of them to watch still (I am only allowing them one per day-lol).


I guess I forgot to get #7 when I ordered-will be getting it soon. I read that number 8 will be out in June.

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I didn't like the first one because of how they portrayed ideas about evolution and the Big Bang Theory, so I won't allow the children to watch that one anymore. HOWEVER, the rest of the content was good and my kids (6 and 4) loved it and ask for it, so I may purchase later volumes of the series. Every time someone sneezes, my kids will yell, "Septuagint!" lol

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How was evolution handled in the DVD?


I didn't like the first one because of how they portrayed ideas about evolution and the Big Bang Theory, so I won't allow the children to watch that one anymore. HOWEVER, the rest of the content was good and my kids (6 and 4) loved it and ask for it, so I may purchase later volumes of the series. Every time someone sneezes, my kids will yell, "Septuagint!" lol
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How was evolution handled in the DVD?


It isn't discussed a ton. The few brief things that I didn't like were that Phil Vischer sort of glossed over the OE vs. YE debate. *I* felt like he had an obvious leaning towards OE and since we are a YE family and my children are still rather young, I don't want to introduce them to concepts that I haven't taught them yet. He also made reference to the Big Bang Theory and how it meshes with the Creation account. He posted a blog about it here if you are interested:




I read that and still wasn't impressed with his answer as I do not believe that the Big Bang theory can mesh with what the Bible teaches of the earth's origins.


It is a relatively small portion of the DVD, but I just didn't feel comfortable using it in our home.

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We are also YE but went with it anyway. But my kids are older and we discuss all the time.


In the Amazon reviews of the first one if you scroll down someone wrote the actual script wording of that (very short) part. It may help you decide. BTW, it would be very easy to skip over that part if you decide you don't like it-I think the first dvd is very important to set the foundation for the others.

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I can't really remember that in the first one; we haven't seen them all yet. Someone else may be better able to comment. I wouldn't say it is a recurring theme at all, at least in the ones that we've seen.


We are Reformed, and again, my kids are taught Reformed theology from such a young age that I don't worry about it when something pops up that isn't-we discuss and move forward.


All I know is that this series is drawing my children closer to the Lord than ever before. When they explained the word "holy", my 9yo son (who doesn't usually comment on or even notice these things) said, wow, I never thought it was like that. It totally changed things for him. I could just cry happy tears. :)

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