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My entire house is sick and I'm having a baby in 12 days!

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What am I'm going to do!?!? None of us have a fever but we do have cough, runny nose, scratchy throat and generally feel awful! I'm dosing everyone with allergy meds as the pollen counts here are very high.


Praying it's just allergies and we don't end up getting a newborn sick!

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The breastfeeding will help. If everyone has it now, most if not all will hopefully be better by your due date if you make it that long. Maybe you will be a week late and give everyone a chance to make sure they are healthy although a week late isn't any fun either.;)

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I came down with influenza about five days before my dd was born- aches, fever, chills- it was pure misery. I was just starting to feel semi-human again when I went into labor and had her.


Less than 24 hours after giving birth my dh and preschool aged ds were suddenly both on the couch and curled into fetal positions with very high fevers, coughs, barely able to even get up and go to the bathroom alone. Because dd was a homebirth we were at home on our own- no one even visited, brought us food or offered to help because they didn't want to risk catching what we all had.


The bright spot throughout all of this misery? The baby was absolutely fine. The first couple weeks of her life are a blur of illness but she never came down with even a sniffle. If you're breastfeeding the baby will get antibodies from you and will be much less likely to pick up the household bugs/viruses than you'd imagine!


Good luck!

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The bright spot throughout all of this misery? The baby was absolutely fine. The first couple weeks of her life are a blur of illness but she never came down with even a sniffle. If you're breastfeeding the baby will get antibodies from you and will be much less likely to pick up the household bugs/viruses than you'd imagine!


Good luck!


On a similar note, I have a friend with a 12 day old. The rest of the family has been struggling with colds since baby was born. Baby is totally fine. I wouldn't sweat it at all. 10 days is a good chunk of time. Make sure YOU are getting enough rest, fluids, etc. Good luck! :001_smile:

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The breastfeeding will help. If everyone has it now, most if not all will hopefully be better by your due date if you make it that long. Maybe you will be a week late and give everyone a chance to make sure they are healthy although a week late isn't any fun either.;)


Scheduled c-section :) I think I would lose it if I had to go a week late!

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