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Memoria Press or MFW for kindergarten


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Anyone that has experience with either or both of these programs can you please chime in. I'm deciding between the two of these. I guess I'm drawn to the idea of MFW for the unit study, fun approach. But it seems that it is light in many areas... I see Memoria press as a very solid program that will focus on the three R's and then the fun stuff will come later. I'm torn on what to do and am this close to buying both. :blushing:

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We are only in unit 2: the moon, but we are loving it! (BTW we are using the 2nd edition, so it is very easy to follow.) As for light, it really depends on your homeschool goals. Personally I could never be "boxed" in, so we use lots of other stuff. I love that my daughter is learning all kinds of information and the character lessons have really been helping with her behavior. I also like how the math worksheet is related to the unit.


To some it might seem that the math is light, but here is their faq on that (as related to their 1st grade program). I think it would really depend on if you plan on continuing with MFW. If so I don't think you'd need supplementation, however if you are moving to a different 1st grade curriculum with a different math approach then you may wish to supplement. HTH:001_smile:

Edited by lovintolearn
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"Second Edition (released February 17, 2012)

The core of the program has not changed. However, the Second Edition Teacher's Manual, now over 220 pages, includes the following revisions:

  • New grid lesson plan charts for each unit
  • More hands-on activities
  • Expanded Bible lessons
  • Extensive booklist for each unit with many new Book Day storybooks (new in 2011)
  • Deluxe items are scheduled in the manual

Student Sheets are essentially the same as first edition but now include the following:

  • New thematic math sheets (such as farm theme math sheet for the horse unit)
  • New sheets with animal pictures for scheduled activities
  • Badge patterns to trace
  • May be used with either a first or second edition Teacher's Manual"

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I had MFWK this year (before it was revised/updated). This new edition looks more complete and easier to use, but I've only seen online samples.


You could go with Memoria press and just add on your own occasional themed units based on seasons or items of interest or outside events (i.e. Autumn....or mermaids...or a trip to the zoo). Then you won't feel your whole curriculum is crumbling apart when you end up skipping one of the suggested science or art activities. Just do them as you have the time/energy/interest.


One of the things I thought I'd love most about MFWK was something that I ended up liking the least....the Bible integration. It just didn't work for me (super easy to skip....and that's a bad thing, IMO).


RE: revisions... I believe they added math pages. They did a grid format for planning. They made the Bible concepts for each week easier to view at a glance. Beefed up some of their themed activities. Do check out the samples. It almost makes me want to try it again for DD2....:glare:

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I'm not set on him using MUS, his brother it is the only thing that we've tried so far that has worked. He wanted a book like big brother and did the R&S counting book so I went ahead and bought it to finish out the year/summer. So if another math works I'm ok with that as well, lol.

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I just got MP's Kindergarten plans. I haven't implemented them yet, but they seem perfect to me. Just about the right level of fun and work. I love the memory/recitation work.




I actually planned on subbing some things out and using it as a loose guide but once the guide came I emailed and had them just pull the rest of the package together for me. It really looks solid, interesting and well thought out. It doesn't seem "babyish" either. We are giving R&S math a try as I have a young accelerated learner using the K package and the incremental/mastery approach looks very appealing to me for him. I've never even looked at R&S before, but here we go!


I love the K plans so much I bought the 2nd grade plans to look over and consider for my DD. :)

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I had MFWK this year (before it was revised/updated). This new edition looks more complete and easier to use, but I've only seen online samples.


You could go with Memoria press and just add on your own occasional themed units based on seasons or items of interest or outside events (i.e. Autumn....or mermaids...or a trip to the zoo). Then you won't feel your whole curriculum is crumbling apart when you end up skipping one of the suggested science or art activities. Just do them as you have the time/energy/interest.


One of the things I thought I'd love most about MFWK was something that I ended up liking the least....the Bible integration. It just didn't work for me (super easy to skip....and that's a bad thing, IMO).


RE: revisions... I believe they added math pages. They did a grid format for planning. They made the Bible concepts for each week easier to view at a glance. Beefed up some of their themed activities. Do check out the samples. It almost makes me want to try it again for DD2....:glare:


Yes I was thinking of maybe adding in my own... if I had time. I also know my older son is doing MFW adventures so he would be around for some of it. So I'm thinking MP would be a good solid foundation even if we don't add the fluff...


Have you only done the Bible in MFW K? If you don't mind, why didn't it appeal to you?

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We have bought A LOT of the Timberdoodle products...they are awesome for supplementation!! :)


I think we will have to pick some up for sure! I already have a lot, but love finding new things to add. After looking more many of the main program parts don't line up with what I'm wanting to do. Whew! It is very colorful and fun looking though, lol.

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I absolutely love MFW K. I used it with Emma, and now Cora is finishing up her year with it. It is so sweet and gentle, just precious. Perfect for a little one. The phonics are great, just the right amount of handwriting, love the science aspects. They have lists of great book suggestions, and if you have a good home library, you probably won't even have to leave the house to find something to read for each theme. We are planning to continue with MFW 1st grade this fall.


BTW, I've looked at the revisions to the K program, and they look great!

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Have you only done the Bible in MFW K? If you don't mind, why didn't it appeal to you?


For me, it didn't feel cohesive or that there was flow to it. I guess I prefer a Bible or story Bible and starting at 1 end and working my way to the other. The samples of their new Bible lesson plans look more well-laid out (or at least better explained). I just had a tendency to skip the Bible in MFWK; to me it didn't feel like a vital part of the program (and there wasn't anything tangible, like a specific children's Bible used, just verse references & such in the guide). It was easy for me to skip it when things got busy. (My own fault, obviously, but I have done better with a more structured approach for DD.)

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For me, it didn't feel cohesive or that there was flow to it. I guess I prefer a Bible or story Bible and starting at 1 end and working my way to the other. The samples of their new Bible lesson plans look more well-laid out (or at least better explained). I just had a tendency to skip the Bible in MFWK; to me it didn't feel like a vital part of the program (and there wasn't anything tangible, like a specific children's Bible used, just verse references & such in the guide). It was easy for me to skip it when things got busy. (My own fault, obviously, but I have done better with a more structured approach for DD.)



Thanks for clarifying. I'm wondering if it's because it is a thematic year and then more in depth later on? We have a great story bible I would probably just add in as an evening read a loud. I did that for k with my older s

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Thanks for clarifying. I'm wondering if it's because it is a thematic year and then more in depth later on? We have a great story bible I would probably just add in as an evening read a loud. I did that for k with my older s


I think that's the case. Each week's Bible lessons relate to the unit in some way, IIRC.

I do think that the Bible is much more thorough in later years (or it appears so from samples).

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Would you care to elaborate on why it was confusing? I was kinda leaning towards Memoria press, I just worry if I am planning another math if it was a waste, I know we will be starting MUS primer next week.


Since they just updated it I guess my evaluation wouldn't apply. I used it several years ago and found it confusing because of the layout. You were supposed to flip all over the place every day in the TM. I also didn't like the artwork as I am an art snob. lol

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I've used both. :D We used MFW K last year for Pre-K , I didn't add anything else. DD & I both loved it! It was a gentle start and dd loved all the activities. I plan on using it for my ds's when they get there.


This year we're using MP. There is definitely a lot more writing involved then MFW. There has been more of a structured work in MP then MFW but there is still a ton of fun stuff. We've loved it too! If you have any more specific questions, I'll answer them. :001_smile:


Now I have to make the decision between MFW 1st or MP 1st. :glare:

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DS has been begging to start K for a while and we've been doing R&S workbooks and he tags along for many activites. He has also been pulling 100 lessons to learn to read... so I am leaning more towards MP because I feel he is ready, he is writing on his own even for fun. If it had been my older son I would say MP wouldn't have worked at all. Ugh.

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