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What are you using for Kindergarten?


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DD missed cut of by 2 months but she will be treated as K this coming yr


Miquon blue/green



HOP master reader

WWE1 (very light.. no dictation, just narration)




SM startup, lining up with Mr Q with her brother



skates and swim

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It is difficult for me to believe that my baby will be a ker next year!! That is how it goes, though . . .


Bible: OT focus using online Confessional Lutheran materials

Math: MEP and Miquon (doing MEP reception now)

Language Arts: WWE 1/FLL 1

Spelling: Not sure . . . she is reading well enough to do formal spelling, but still :confused: about what to use

Humanities/Geography: TOG with olders

Science: Biology focus with olders

Music: Piano

Art: Artistic Pursuits


It is nice to see what others are doing- thanks for posting!

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I don't know why MFW K gets lots of bad reviews - I used it with both my girls and LOVED it. I think it's the best K program out there and it's a great value! I loved that it was all integrated, and it worked so well all together. My girls both went into it knowing all their letters, and Schmooey does too, but it was a great review and really built their confidence. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but it's a great program.


I am in a bit of a dither about what I want to do with Schmooey this fall. The girls and I finally jumped into full-on Ambleside Online, and they love it. We've finally found our homeschool groove. I was afraid to try it for a long time, but I am just thrilled with it!


So... do I do a Year 0 with Schmooey? Or do MFW K because I still have all the books? They've just redone the TM and I can exchange my old one and get the new one for 1/2 price. Oh, that's so tempting. They've updated the book list and put in weekly schedules! The thing is, I have more books than anyone ever needed for the old TM and I made all my own weekly plans which I still have in Excel so I don't need the new TM. I should probably save my $ for other fun things but I really, really want to see the new one. :lol: I may go to the book fair at the conference in May and see if I can take a look. I'd like to see how the new student pages will work with the old TM. I am hoping that my girls will want to work with him some on the science things.


I think the MFW K math is plenty, but I have Professor B and am considering getting Funtastic Frogs simply because they look like a lot of fun. I will really just have to see what he is able to sit and do, because he is not a child who is known for sitting still. He's such a boy. :D I do plan to read poetry with him and some other things that Ambleside recommends, just because he really likes to have me read to him.


The real issue is that there are too many things to do and I am having a hard time choosing between them. He is NOT going to let me teach him ALL THE THINGS just because I want to, LOL!

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I feel like I have a lower end K. :(


We will be doing:


then when shes through that--

Horizons K (phonics & math)

Positive Action Bible K


Shell follow along with C with Apologia.


I don't think Horizon's is lower-end at all. Someone gave me the pre-k and I was surprised by how good it was. It's a very solid program!

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I feel like I have a lower end K. :(




I don't think so at all!


Also, keep in mind that there are a wide range of ages for K. My son has a birthday a few days after the cutoff so will be almost 6 when we are doing "official Kindergarten" Others are doing K with kids who are still 4, maybe as young as 4.5.

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Thought I'd throw my 0.02 in as well.


For K we will be doing


-OPGTR, some Phonics Pathways when we need to go "sideways" for a while

-ETC 1 and 1.5 or 2

-AAS 1

-HWOT PreK, maybe moving into K

-Mostly living math, maybe some Miquon or MEP

-Prehistory/science that mostly consists of oogling dinosaurs and looking at cool library books.

-Nature study, tons of unstructured indoor and outdoor time, ranch work, etc

-read aloud galore


We've already started OPGTR, Phonics pathways, HWOT preK, ETC 1, living math stuff and MEP and we're about to start prehistory.

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We are doing:


Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading


Explode the Code

Developing the Early Learner

WTM/ ES science (with Let's Read and Find Out science books)

SOTW Ancients (along with older dd)

Artistic Pursuits

Mark Kistler's Draw Squad

VOS Child's Story Bible

LOTS of read alouds

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We will officially start Kinder in the fall. However this past year we used Winter Promise's Animals in their World, Singapore Earlybird, OPGTR, ETC, & ARFH.


Next year for the "real" kinder year we will be using Heart of Dakota's LHFHG with 1st grade options along with the emerging readers and spelling from BLHFHG. We will continue with ARFG, OPGTR, SM 1a/1b and adding in Rightstart B and AAS.

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