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Using MFW w/ 4 yr history cycle


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This idea came to me sometime in the night. I'm not even sure I was awake. :D I like most of what I see of MFW. I've researched and I don't think I'm a full blown classical homeschooling mom. (Heck, what do I know. I'm just getting started. But that thread on knowing your hsing philosophy was a great read for me!)


I like the samples of CtG, RtR, Ex-1850, and 1850-Mod. I'm not that much of a fan of the 1st grade or the Adventures years. So, that being said...what do you all think of working through the history cycle of MFW starting in 1st grade, hitting them all twice before high school? Seems more like what I am wanting for us - a classical approach to history and then using our own math, Bible, science, and LA program.


Good idea? Bad idea?


ETA: Thought about just doing it myself, but I'm way ADD and need something fairly structured and laid out, but yet tweakable.

Edited by Mommie_Jen
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We have used MFW K, 1st, Adventures, ECC, and CtG. We'll be starting RtR this July. So we're obviously fans of MFW here.


To answer your question -- I think that MFW 1st is more age appropriate for 1st grade than CtG. MFW 1st uses Biblical history to help 1st graders learn skills like reading and narration. It's a wonderful year in which the children create a Bible Notebook containing their narrations and illustrations. (The Notebooks are precious keepsakes for Mom in later years, btw!)


MFW CtG assumes that the children are a bit older and are capable of reading and narrating well. CtG includes mapwork that would be difficult and unnecessary for most 1st graders, imo. Also, some of the content would have been upsetting to my sensitive children when they were in 1st grade. Personally, I have really enjoyed using it with older children.


MFW does an abbreviated first cycle of history using 1st (Biblical history) and Adventures (American history). Then ECC is designed to provide a good overview of geography and world cultures before starting the 4 year cycle. Now that we are finishing CtG, I can see that my children benefited greatly in doing ECC first. All year, they have understood where these countries are located and who the people are. CtG has built on the knowledge gained in 1st and in ECC. CtG has deepened the skills learned in all of the previous years.


I also want to add that we really LOVED MFW K. The lessons learned that year were very sweet, and my children still refer to them several years later. It is well organized and meaningful.


I hope that you will find something that fits your family's needs. Best of luck to you as you look at all of the options!



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I think you'll find MFW's history cycle to be too much to begin with a 1st grader (despite their family inclusive style).

What about just getting SOTW + the activity guide...especially if you're using your own math/Bible/LA/science? :)


I personally *love* the idea of MFW....but in reality, I prefer choosing our own Bible, science,etc. If I do all that, I might as well stick with something like SOTW for the history cycle, KWIM?

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You could possibly do Biblioplan for 1st-4th, then start MFW in 5th. Keep in mind that BP is not as scheduled as MFW and it is only history. But you might like adding your own science and other things. In BP's favor, it is more flexible than MFW - you pick your own spine and readers.


Or you could just use SOTW with AG's for 1st through 4th.


Or possibly do a few years of Sonlight, then MFW.


I know, not much help am I?:tongue_smilie:


I'm guessing based on your blog (which I love, BTW!), that you would like a strong missions focus. You would probably get that more with MFW or SL.


Can you tell I have the same struggles? I'm still torn between MFW, BP and SL, though I'm leaning towards MFW. I already have Adventures to do next year, but not sure where I'm going after that. I'd really like something with a strong missions focus, but not just one year.

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Lots of things to think about! I have a friend here in town who is a die hard SL'er. I'm not a fan. I am seriously looking at BP for 1-4, then MFW for 5-8, that's a good idea!


I guess since I have K nailed down (hitting the 3 R's pretty hard, the rest is just fun (exploring, reading, simple experiments), I feel compelled to obsess about 1st grade!

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If you did this, would you skip the geography year? I think that year shouldn't be skipped. It is pretty neat. We almost skipped it and are glad we didn't. That said, I agree that 1st is pretty young for most of the years. We didn't love the 1st grade level and when we lumped 1st graders with the olders in the regular levels they ended up skipping a lot. I would suggest Adventures even though we haven't done it. Then I would suggest moving into ECC in second.

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