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noise in the evening

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My bed makes too much noise. At least I think it does. It squeaks. Especially at certain times, kwim? Any suggestions? The bed is not that old, so I don't want to buy a new one. But I find it hard to relax these days. My kids are teens now and frequently are awake longer than dh and I. Dh and I like to go to bed around 9, but we don't actually try to fall asleep until around 10. My kids may or may not be in their bedrooms by 9, but they are not falling asleep that early. I can't relax when I feel like they can hear our bed. It's not horrible. Maybe I'm just uptight (dh thinks so). Anyone have any suggestions? Or am I just an uptight weirdo?

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What about a nice pallet of blankets on the floor for those special times if you're worried about the noise? Or, if it's not a huge bed, slide the mattress on the floor for the activities. :tongue_smilie:


Blankets might be a possibility. We're actually considering buying a futon mattress that we would store under our king size bed. It would be "in case we hae guests". Actually a few years back, our situation was that we hadtwo houses and when we were in the one house, our bed was a futon. We'd put that futon mattress on the floor and voila! We no longer have a futon mattress but I'm considering buying one but I feel funny using the excuse of guests since we already have a queen size bed for guests. And we really don't get that many gets that we need more than the queen. So blankets are a possibility. Maybe I'll try that tonight. Ooh. And we have a really big think downy comforter that is in storage which might work nicely. Won't dh be pleased?!

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Have you tried spraying the places where the frame bolts together with wd-40 or something similar?


this is what I was going to say, too.


Also, white noise. If not a TV, a fan or music or something works.


And then just convince yourself that the kids, even though they are teens, are clueless. Remember that they don't *want* to think about you doing...that...so will invent excuses of their own &/or ignore it and pretend it's not happening. Truly.

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My dd18 has requested that I ask her to put some music on when we want to umm, snuggle. She says it is really embarrassing for her and she doesn't want to suddenly turn up the music in the middle of the "snuggle".


I want to suggest she turn on some Barry Manilow to help with the mood. :lol: Her bedroom is right below ours in the basement.

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