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When do you sell a curriculum?


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I have purchased a few things that I just don't love, namely, Happy Phonics, OPGTR, and FIAR. Part of me wants to just sell them because I hate clutter. But part of me wants to keep them just in case they're the "right" thing for a future child. I am at the very, very beginning of my homeschool journey, after all.


What do you all do?

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I sell things only if I have changed my philosophy about said subject.


For example, I am now a big believer in Asian math and the why behind algorithims. I sold off my other math program that I had used because it just taught traditional American math.


Also, I sold off a phonics program I used because it marked the words in certain shades of gray and black to show children when letters were silent or made their long/short vowel sound. While the program taught my dd to read very well, she had a tough time transitioning to real books that weren't marked. I didn't want to do that to my other children.


That's the main reason why I sell things.



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*If* you have the room to keep them, I would keep them *unless* you need that money to buy something else your 4yo could use *now* Ykwim?


But I am a keeping-type person, lol.


I agree. We have limited $ ans space so most things from this year will go when we finds is 4 year's yyounger than my oldest so we have sveral years before he qould need them anyway.

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Don't sell ANYTHING! You have no idea how often you will want to reference a curriculum or just use a page. Or THINK you want to use it again, only to decide AGAIN that you don't want to use it, but you need to SEE it to know that.


I scoop up used items here, and can't tell you how many times the seller has asked me if I want to sell it back to them :-)


Do NOT sell unless you HAVE to. The titles you are mentioning, especially.

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I have only sold one curriculum item. It did not work for my son, but it also did not work for me. I could not teach the curriculum! We tried a couple lessons and I wanted to pull my hair out! I bought something new and loved it and it worked for my son so I sold the first one.


If it just did not work for one child, I would keep it in case it worked for another child. I have limited space, but I will make room for good deals on curriculum ;)

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I have purchased a few things that I just don't love, namely, Happy Phonics, OPGTR, and FIAR. Part of me wants to just sell them because I hate clutter. But part of me wants to keep them just in case they're the "right" thing for a future child. I am at the very, very beginning of my homeschool journey, after all.


What do you all do?


I have twins, and no other children, so after we finish our year, I plan to sell it, since I won't use it again. However, I have the entire sonlight A (Kindergarten) sitting here and haven't sold it yet, even though we are half way through core B. I guess I haven't' found the avenue yet to sell it- website, craigs list, ebay, etc...still pondering the where, not the if.

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I'm a keeper. I have three kids to homeschool and I will buy new/different things as I like them or see the use for them...but I'll probably keep everything non-consumable until I'm done schooling my youngest. I research and borrow and ILL as much as possible, so very very rarely do I have anything I just don't like completely. I will make anything work! The constant buying/selling/shipping/reading/starting over would drive me insane.

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If I don't like it I sell it. Mom needs to like a curriculum in order for it to get used. I'd rather use my money and space for things I really want.


The only things I hang onto are good buys/rare finds that I can realistically see us using in the future.

Edited by birchbark
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I've sold some things (e.g. Singapore's Early Bird math workbooks) that I just knew I would never use. I just didn't see myself asking my kid to point out the bigger item -- we already talk about this in everyday life and it just didn't appeal to me. It went out of print or changed or something and I read some posts on here where people were talking about how they missed it, so I said, oh! I should sell it! And I did! I was glad about that.


I have also bought some old vintage or other popular hs items that weren't for me and sold them. I only do this if I can recoup some of the money. There's no sense selling something for 20c, I may as well donate it.


I sold a few other books (I remember a poetry volume! And a certain well known poetry memorization porgram) that just were not what I wanted. Other than that, I have kept a loooot of stuff out of inertia, I think. One of these days I may purge some.

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Don't sell ANYTHING! You have no idea how often you will want to reference a curriculum or just use a page. Or THINK you want to use it again, only to decide AGAIN that you don't want to use it, but you need to SEE it to know that.




Every now and then I want to declutter and sell things off. My husband's been great about encouraging me to keep the stuff, unless I really have no use for it at all. Like Hunter said, sometimes you need to look at stuff to think things through.

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I use a kids size pretend "wheelie rubbish bin" I have two, one for charity and one for selling. When they are full (which takes a little bit of time) I then re-go through it, make sure there is nothing by then I definitely want to keep, then either sell/donate the rest.


This gives me a little time to ponder whether I would still like to keep it, or may use it in the future. Sort of like a holding spot for a couple of months, a "cool down" period if you will. A few things will get put in there at the heat of the moment ("grrrr.....I don't know why I ever bought this! gggrrrrr") and then when I look at in a couple of months when the bin is full, I have fresh eyes "Oh I could use this for....instead". The bin just doesn't hold curricula, but also holds books & clothing (right now it also has a Silk & Velvety cord Mei Tai Baby Carrier for example), so if it were just for curriculum, I would need a much smaller box, elsewise it could end up taking years to fill it LOL.


So summary is, I suggest putting it aside a couple of months (say till Jul/Aug) then deciding.

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