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TOG for small families - cost effective?


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I've been having a look-see at the TOG website and I'm interested. I really like the idea of the history cycles being all laid out for me, with Lit. and Bible included.


But I did a preview of what the cost would be for Year 1 and .... :eek::blink::willy_nilly::svengo:


Anyway, I can see it being worthwhile for a family with several children (the aspect of combining them and whatnot)...but I've just got the 2, who are pretty close in age and fairly easily combined for history/science/Bible/literature.


Does anyone here use Tapestry for a smaller family... and do you feel it's worth the investment?

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I only have two children and I think it's worth it. Keep in mind you only buy four times and then can use it for all twelve years for each child.


Doesn't each age level have a pretty extensive book list to purchase (or check out from the library)? I'd be purchasing new books for each cycle....


Since we're skipping the grammar stage history cycle, we'd only be using it for the 2nd and 3rd cycles (Logic stage +HS).

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I am using it for 2 kids that are 2 years apart. (LG, UG) My oldest will get 2 rotations and my youngest will get 2 1/2. I do a combo of buying new and using the library, and I just purchased a lot of used books for next year. It is worth it to me. I've tried other less expensive programs, but TOG has worked for me this year and I plan to stick with it.


I should add that I won a fully loaded TOG year plan a year ago. But I loved it so much that I will be purchasing it this year and the next and the next.



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If you are planning on using TOG through highschool, it could be cost effective, but that really depends on what else you are comparing it to.


I don't have very many kids, but I am using TOG.

I'm using it with 3 kids, ages 11,8, and 3. Right now they are D, and UG/LG level.


(My 8 year old is a fast reader, and her best friend we coop with is a level higher, so we do most of the LG picture books, and I let her read the chapter books her friend has if she wants to)


1. My kids are too far apart to combine in many other systems. (You probably could combine)

2. I HATE being in several different time periods as the same time, so TOG is a great fit.

3. I use the library for more than %60 of the books, so it's a bit less $$ for me. I also buy USED books, and sometime skip a book or use an alternate if I have it available.

4. My kids are spaced far apart enough that I will reuse several levels & plans.

5. The framework is worth every penny to me. I need structure & TOG makes my brain happy, now that I've worked through it for about 2 1/2 years.




To offset the cost, you can resell any books you buy after each unit or year. I would resell quicklY, so you have a better chance of selling before any books go out of print. (the bookshelf rebuys books from customers)


You can also skip books, or subsititute. This is very easy to do in the grammar stage. For D & R you want the books that go along with the discussion questions. You don't HAVE to buy ALL the books.

Edited by lcelmer
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^ agree. I have access to two decent library systems. I went through every book on the lower and upper grammar lists for year one. If my library didn't have the primary or alternate, or if it was used for more than a month, I bought it. For both levels, I spent less than $100, buying most used.

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