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Is This Normal? (mole question)

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Not sure if I need to mark this TMI or not...


I have developed a red, raised mole type thing on my brea$t. It doesn't hurt or itch, isn't huge, and has been there for maybe a little less than a year. Twice now it has bled a fair amount (but I'm not bleeding out!) ;) when scratched, but eventually stops on its own. I noticed two other little teeny ones developing in the same general area, but they are much, much smaller and not raised up.


I'm mainly mole free, so I don't really have any other moles to compare this to. Does it sound normal? Nothing about the look of it worries me, but then I hear that if a mole bleeds that can be an issue. I'll be honest - I'd rather not go to the doctor about a teeny, tiny mole - especially if it is normal.


Thanks for any thoughts!

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You won't know if it's normal until you see a dermatologist.


My surgeon told me that if it bleeds, it has to go. And in my case, my little mole turned out to be skin cancer (fortunately basal cell carcinoma, which sounds scary, but is the most curable kind!)


That said, a bleeding mole could also be a harmless mole that is inflamed because it got irritated from clothing rubbing on it or something like that.


The vast majority of moles are not malignant, but since one of mine was, I always tell everyone to see a doctor immediately if they have a mole that bleeds. Also, if the "tiny little mole" is malignant, it started underneath the skin, so it could end up being quite a bit larger than you think, but you can't see the whole thing because only a little part of it is showing. (Don't panic -- it's not going to be gigantic! But the sooner you get it off of your body, the tinier it will be when it's removed.)


It may very well be nothing, but please see a doctor and have it removed. Once it's removed, it will be gone and your mind will be at ease. Really. Don't take a chance. I felt kind of stupid going to the doctor for my tiny little mole, too, but I'm so glad I did it.

Edited by Catwoman
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Definitely get it checked to be sure.


It kind of sounds like a cherry angioma which often appear during pregnancy. I have several...one got scratched and bled like crazy but eventually scanned over and fell off. They are little bundles of capillaries which is why they bleed so bad. I also have one over my left eye which I'm going to have lasered off after this baby is born.


Have a dermatologist check it out ASAP to be sure!

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You wouldn't believe how many normal moles I've shown to dermatologists over the years. Please go get it checked out. If it's normal you can be relieved and if it's not, you can get it taken care of. With weird mole stuff, getting it taken care of ASAP is important.

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I have had 24 moles removed over my lifetime. One time, I had 12 of them cut out and stitched at once. I am a very moley person. All of them were non-cancerous, but were dysplastic. The kind of mole you are describing sounds like a cherry angioma, as another poster said. Usually harmless and benign. It is true that they say if a mole bleeds, it should be checked out. But my derm will even say, if you scratch it, it is going to bleed. So do not automatically panic.

My advice is to see a dermatologist(not a primary care Dr.) they will look at it with a special tool that looks like a magnifying glass. They can usually tell if it is suspicious or not. But, with that said. Most will at least so a shave biopsy just to make sure. It is painless and quick.

Better safe then sorry.


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