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The rocket team is going to Washington! AND there is a Congressional Breakfast too!

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We just found out about the breakfast. We are frantically trying to pull together enough info to weasel another day off school for the non-homeschooled team members. If we can convince administrators that the opportunity to represent their state to CONGRESS and eat with CONGRESSPERSONS is more important than whatever it is that they'll be doing in school that day, then we'll head out on the 10th around 6:00 a.m and drive all the way to Chantilly, VA. in one day.


If not, we may take the homeschooled members ahead so they can participate in the breakfast and then have the other set of chaperones bring the rest of the team late.


For those that would like to know what the rocket competition is all about, you can go to this link: www.rocketcontest.org and click on Media and then the press release from October. This will give the basics of what the competition is all about. Today they released the names of the 100 teams that scored low enough to be invited to the finals.


Now to commense intensive fund raising and preparing for the other competitions that occur that day beside the main one.


It feels slightly overwhelming, but oddly enough, in a very good way. Is there such a thing as good stress?



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