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Oh. The Arguing. The Bickering.

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I just cracked a little.


That's all.


I'm just tired of it.


I don't care how long your brother played. I don't know what time it was when he started and I. don't.care.


I will throw the stinkin' thing away if it will make you quit bickering.


I almost just cried.


That is all.

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Oh honey, that's the story of my life.

"this is a yes or no question. Is that his toy? Did you take it from him?" Rinse. Repeat 83 million times a day!

My three olders are inseparable, they literally cannot play apart from each other and each is at loose ends when they are not with the other two, but they fight like nobody's business and it drives me up the stinkin' wall!

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Sounds like my house. My favorite is when 2 of them start off playing together, 1 gets mad and goes away, some time later I tell them it's time to stop playing, and the 1 that left starts arguing that it's not fair that he didn't get to play.

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Sounds like my house. My favorite is when 2 of them start off playing together, 1 gets mad and goes away, some time later I tell them it's time to stop playing, and the 1 that left starts arguing that it's not fair that he didn't get to play.


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DD7 made a get-well card for dd10. She took it to gymnastics and had everybody sign it. She SHOWED it to dd10,but wouldn't GIVE it to her because DD10 has a habit of throwing stuff away. especially from dd7. They were fighting and bickering over this card and I finally (after several warnings) yelled (maybe it was closer to a scream) Give Me The Da&* Card. *I'LL take care of it. They both started crying. And I just walked. away.

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We have no less than a thousand assorted hot wheels in this house and invariably the both want the SAME one! Every. single. day! I'm so tired of it I threatened to auction them off on eBay this morning! "I had it first" "No! I had it first." "But it's mine!!!!!!!"


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:lol: laughing because I sooooo understand.


I told dh the kiddos were arguing to much today. He just looked at me then back at the tv. The they walked in and sat down. It started. In the last 15 minutes they argued over who had more coke in their coke float, who's napkin that was in the floor, who's foot was touching something .....blah blah blah.


During this I sat ignoring them (as much as possible) while eating ice cream. Dh yelled "knock it off!!!! I am tired of hearing it!!!" I just kept eating ice cream watching the ball game. Dh figured out what I was talking about.

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And this is why we are schooling through the next two weeks of Easter holidays :lol:


She touched my Easter basket and now it's one-tenth of a millimetre out of place


He looked at my apple and now I don't want it


He is breathing too loud while I play the computer


She walked past my puzzle and now it's all ruined




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"Time to clean the toilets, boys! And if you still want to bicker after that, I need the floors cleaned, too!"


Hot Lava Mama


We had a round of that today, two rounds actually. My laundry is sorted, and all of the stuff in the livingroom is back where it belongs. :D If they keep this up our house will be spotless by the end of next week including the garage and the attic. I bet my mom would love her house to be cleaned up too if that is not enough. ;)

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And this is why we are schooling through the next two weeks of Easter holidays :lol:


She touched my Easter basket and now it's one-tenth of a millimetre out of place


He looked at my apple and now I don't want it


He is breathing too loud while I play the computer


She walked past my puzzle and now it's all ruined






You made me laugh! These are the kind I personally love.

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