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Tame movie for a toddler

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My 23 month old and I are driving about an hour and twenty minutes one way to pick my sister up from the airport. My little guy doesn't get to watch much tv, but I think I want to get him a movie for the car. He's not used to being in the car very long (most of our drives are fifteen minutes tops), and he doesn't really like it.


I was going to get Finding Nemo, but I just read the description, and the mother getting eaten and them being chased by a shark seem kind of scary to me.


Any tame movies suggestions (that I can get on iTunes) for my two year old?

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My DD was very sensitive to movies and any hint of sadness was awful. So she eventually watched most Disney movies, but not till older than most. Any hit of a minor character getting in trouble, eaten or dying was really, really bad. Ironically she could watch non-fiction DVDs with a snake eating a moth - no problem.


I'd say you are safe with a Winnie the Pooh movie or a Curious George movie. I can't remember any others that would fit the bill.

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We started out with no TV at all, and the first thing most of my children saw on the screen was Mr Rogers. *Adore*. Slow pace, comforting, calming. For a child who does not watch TV, I'd start there. (My youngest did like Barney & Telletubbies.)

Edited by LibraryLover
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For a kid that young, I would go with shorter shows, no more than 30 minutes, rather than movies. He might lose interest in a movie or simply not like it (honestly, there is no TELLING what will freak out a kid at that age).


Having several shorter shows keeps his interest and gives you choices. This also lets you break it up a bit: get in the car and spend the first five or ten minutes talking about what he's going to watch first, let him watch it, take a break to let him tell you if he liked it and eat a fun snack, then pick the next one and watch it . . .


Have you tried playing music in the car? My kids also disliked riding in the car but could be distracted for a good while by The Wiggles or Cedarmont Kids. Yes, this resulted in the tune to Crunchy Munchy Honey Cakes being permanently implanted in my brain, but it got us through some rough traffic jams!

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I decided on the first Curious George movie. He saw an episode of it on PBS once, and he seemed to like it. Plus, it was the least expensive and long enough to last the length of the drive.


To the PP who suggested shorter shows and other activities, I would usually agree with you 100%, but I'm going to be driving without anyone else in the car. I'm not going to be able to switch shows for him while driving, and since he's still in a rear facing car seat, it's hard for me to hand him things or keep an eye on him while he eats. On the way back, I'm sure my sister will be able to keep him entertained!


Thanks again!

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