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My daughters are getting tested

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for why they are not growing. Several days ago they had blood tests 15 vials taken from each of them.

they are 10 yrs old. One weighs 48lbs and the other weights 46lbs. the 48lbs is 49in and the 46 lbs is 48in. Will be in carseats forever!

Anyone here with a child with Turner's Syndrome.

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We have been dealing with similar testing for our oldest. He is about the same weight as your girls ... had very minimal growth (didn't even follow his own growth curve) for about 6.5 yrs. We don't know why -- suspect mitochondrial disorder. We've done extensive genetic testing and endocrine testing ... the dr. checked him several times for thyroid issues/adrenal issues/celiac/diabetes ... he eats a lot of food but just hadn't been gaining. I even changed his diet to add even higher amounts of fat and calories on the suggestion of the pediatrician. Nothing has turned up.

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we have an appt with a pediatric endocrinologist in a few weeks.


Things have just been so hard for years.


Life is just hard with all its twists and turns. These poor girls have to endure so much and then to find out that their biological mother has schizoiphrenia and just got picked up by Sheriffs dept and then to find out she is going through her fourth divorce and livin with her second ex husband where she has to give him ****** favors just to live there who also once pulled a knife on my husband .....etc the drama. Social services doesnt give a rats....They have had years of asthma issues or breathing issues, constantly getting sick and wierd infections, extremely small size and extremely shy and then possible chromosomal genetic metabolic disease that might make them infertile among other issues....WHY?


It has just one thing after another that is all. Then there is the drama with my older teens, ex husband and the sheriffs dept he belongs to.

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I don't know WHY but I have been there.


My girls are adopted and bio mom had schizophrenia. She had 6 older kids by 5 other guys before mine were born. She was low functioning and either had fetal alcohol herself or other issues. Bio father had lots of issues of his own.


After many years of testing, we found out our girls have POLG-1 and LHON. The first one can be related to mental health issues, growth issues, seizures, etc. My oldest also has TK2. That makes for the only known case for this combo.


It is hard with the not knowing the future, etc. On the positive, we have had some treatment options and my girls have grown. 16dd is done at 4'10" and 15dd is done at 5'. Very short for our area (mostly a very tall Dutch population) but doable.

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bio mom has 10 kids by three different dads. In fact she is a grandmother because almost all of her girls aside for mine are/were young teen moms. Luckily she hasn't had more with her last husband. These are the last three of the ten. My husband was her third husband. He kicks himself everyday for marrying someone with seven children. He asks himself always what is wrong with him for marrying someone like her and with her situation. Basically she lied to him and didn't tell him she had 7 kids until after 3 months. They met online and she was living in South CA and he was in North CA. She came up every weekend to see him leaving the kids with her mother to watch.


He always said she was a liar. She lied about everything. Are schizoiphrenics liars? Is that one of the symptoms?


There is a huge part me that feels the kids should not have contact with her and there is a part of me that says the kids should have contact because that is their mom. But in general the girls are at a point where they don;t want to see her and feel uncomfortable around her.

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