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3rd Grade Language Arts plan help?


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I'm trying to pin down final plans for my DS8 for his 3rd grade year. Since we start our new (year-round) school year in early July, I need to get everything in place and budgeted ASAP. I've already settled on several subjects, but I'm stuck on writing instruction and need some outside input.


Here's what I have so far:


Spelling: homemade program using Spelling Connections 3 & 4

Grammar: FLL3, plus Daily Language Review 3 & 4

Penmanship: cursive using Scholastic's Cursive Writing with a Twist, Cursive Writing Practice: Inspiring Quotes, and Cursive Writing Practice: Jokes and Riddles

Literature: various good books for read-aloud and independent reading


(All of the above plans are simply a continuation of what he's already doing. So far, he's thriving in these subjects/programs.)


Writing: WWE workbook, but which one????


We've been doing WWE-style lessons, but often only half-heartedly. We do a quick reading/narration/dictation one day a week with a fable or fairy tale, and then usually another reading/narration/copywork with history or science. Because of illness, family craziness, etc., that's all the formal writing instruction we've done for the last several months. We're definitely not following the laid-out multi-day structure from the WWE instructor text, and I'm not sure if DS8 will be "ready" for the WWE3 workbook. I'd hate to start it and have him struggle.


I'm considering two possibilities:


A) Have DS work through the selected lessons from yr. 2 in the WWE instructor text, then when that's done, start him on the WWE3 workbook. Add in a few lessons from Scholastic's Ready-to-Go Writing Lessons, about one every other week. (From looking at it, this sort of thing should be right up his alley!)


B) Start him in the WWE2 workbook soon, then move on to WWE3 when he finishes, sometime in the late middle of 3rd grade. Add in the RTG Writing lessons at some point.


Budget wise, the first option would be better because we have VERY limited funds for school for at least the next year or two. In an ideal world, I wouldn't have to worry about money when making these decisions, but life is anything but ideal right now. On the other hand, what's best for our budget isn't always what's best for our boys' learning...


So, thoughts/help/sane input?

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Thanks for the reminder about the evaluations in the WWE text. I'd completely forgotten about them! :glare:


I had DS8 do the Narration Evaluation and the first of the two Dictation Evaluation selections.


Here was his narration: "The children needed to think wonderful thoughts and get fairy dust blown on them so they could fly. Then they flew out the window and Mr. and Mrs. Darling rushed in. It was too late. The children were already gone."


On the dictation, the only thing he needed help with (other than redirecting to stay on task) was in spelling "beautifully."


I think we'll just start right into the WWE 3 workbook. Despite our being pretty casual about doing narrations/dictation, it seems DS is right on track.


Thanks for the reminder!

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