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just have to share

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This is completely unimportant- but the people in my life who I usually share things with are busy or dealing with things that are much more important and I don't want to bother them.

We've been wanting to buy a camper/campsite at this place we like to go and one just showed up for sale that we really want and the owners are showing it to us and someone else tonight. We can pay cash for it- but not until we transfer the money from one account to another and it'll take 24 hours (dh started the process) BUT if the other people show up cash in hand......ugh. I'm trying to be calm and rational about it, but it's a REALLY good price and I really, really want it! I just hope the other people don't want it.......I know there are a lot of run-on sentences here.....you should see what it's like in my brain!!!!

It seems ridiculous to ask for prayers for what is, in reality, a minor matter. But it doesn't feel minor at the moment. I want this SO badly!!!!

Anyway, if you read this- thanks for letting me let off some steam.

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Ever since my dd pointed out motor homes while driving along the interstate, and hearing me explain what they are used for, she BEGS to get one.


I hope you guys get your camper. Seems like it could be really fun.

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