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High School Math Credits

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So my daughter is in 9th grade and we basically are reviewing stuff because she feels she never got a good math foundation. I agree. Then she will go on to pre-algebra.


My questions are:


Can I assign a credit for remedial math for 9th grade?

Can I assign a credit for Pre-Algebra for 9th (or 10th grade)


I remember in high school I took Pre-algebra and got a credit for it. That's ALL the math I took for high school.


Can my daughter stop after Pre-Algebra or should she take Algebra as well? When she goes to college she will be going to the community college focusing on Graphic Arts and Design Publishing, etc. using Adobe.


She wants to take Business Math and Consumer Math but classes like Algebra, Geometry, Calculus seem to be unnecessary for her.


Anyway, just wondering about this. She is doing so much work and trying so hard to catch up with math stuff that I wish I could give her a credit for it.

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At the CC she will at least need a 'Math for College Students' course-- it is a REVIEW of Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 with some stats and business math thrown in... she would have to test INTO it... or take lots of remedial courses...


Keep plodding on Algebra.


Pre-Algebra no longer counts as a high school math credit-- only Algebra 1 and above. The majority of states require Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 as MINIMAL high school graduation requirements.

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Thanks. Yea, I thought so about the pre-algebra. Been looking at our local commmunity high school stuff and local private school stuff and that's kinda what I figured.


Will plod through Algebra I and II at some point during the next few years.

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Are you able to get a math tutor for your daughter? Maybe a student at the local community college could help her. With the right help, she might be able to finish pre-algebra work quickly and then can move onto algebra when she's able. I would suggest she spend no less than an hour or more each day on math.


Khan Academy might also be of help to her.

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At the CC she will at least need a 'Math for College Students' course-- it is a REVIEW of Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 with some stats and business math thrown in... she would have to test INTO it... or take lots of remedial courses...


Keep plodding on Algebra.


Pre-Algebra no longer counts as a high school math credit-- only Algebra 1 and above. The majority of states require Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 as MINIMAL high school graduation requirements.


At our local community colleges, high school math credits are not spelled out. You can have a GED and virtually no high school math, and still be admitted as long as you weren't expelled somewhere.


Instead, you take a placement test and then either (1) have to take math at the community college (and pay for it), (2) test out of math at the community college, or (3) take something that doesn't require math placement.


As for the high schools in our area, the most college-prep one offers algebra in 10th grade for those who struggled in 9th, so as I understand it, their transcript will have two Algebra I credits. The school district I live in has "algebra," "intermediate algebra," and then "advanced algebra" (algebra 2). So another option is sort-of having 2 algebras, and maybe more in line with what Jann is saying. But it seems to me that a Prealgebra credit makes more sense and looks more successful than having to take it twice or spread it out?


I gave my dd a high school credit in prealgebra. She has not attended college so far, but I feel her math is strong enough that she could pass a mass placement test at a cc. She just needed some foundational work before we got to Algebra. I think Algebra is a worthy credit, and I would want my children to have the ability to flex those math muscles in their everyday life, but I would first want them to be ready for it.



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I gave my dd 2 credits for Math in high school.

She completed only Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 (2 years on each!).


I believe in credit earned per course-- and not for how long it took to complete... my dd was developmentally behind-- I gave her credit for what she actually earned...


She had the background to test into her college math class without needing remedial maths (that can delay college graduation by several semesters if they get in the way of pre-requisites!)

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