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Using Health Insurance Question

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I have a question that I’m hoping someone here can help me with. I’ve read other posts where people have given wonderful advice on health-related issues. I also feel some comfort in the anonymity of the forum where I won’t feel people will look at me funny for having a “mental issue.â€

I’ve been struggling with depression for a while and have been able to still be productive, although every day is a struggle to get motivated. Lately, I’ve noticed it getting harder and harder to accomplish anything. I feel I need to see a psychologist and possibly be open to medication. I hate the idea of taking any medication for anything, but I’m desperate to feel like my old self.

My concern is about my health insurance. Both my husband and I are self-employed so we have an individual family policy. I worked for years for a health insurance company and I know that any mental health issues are red flags and can possibly lead to much higher rates or possibly non-renewal of coverage. I’m considering not using my insurance and paying out of pocket, although I really don’t have the money for that.

This really aggravates me that I am afraid to use the insurance that I pay dearly for every month. :angry: My question is have any of you had a similar situation? Would you recommend using the insurance and risk losing it later? Self-paying and really feel the pain of the expense (i.e., not getting eye exams this year no summer camp for kids, no vacation of any kid really)? Or try to get over it on my own?

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We do private insurance as well. The way I understand the process, you would be subject to revealing any dx and/or medications the next time you switch policies, regardless if you private pay or claim to your insurance. We have to shop every 12-24 months because the rates go up quickly after the first year. I'm one of those that needs either hormones or prozac for crazy pms/pmdd stuff; I have opted to stay on BCP to not raise our rates (or get rejected) on our health insurance. I agree with seeing your primary to rule out anything else to start.

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First, do get help regardless. I've been there. It's awful and it's very unlikely to resolve itself without assistance.


I'm self-employed to so I totally get where you are coming from. I "know" that each of our kids has a particular issue but we have purposefully avoided formal diagnosis because it will make it difficult to insure them in the future (for example we are 95% sure our daughter has celiac disease and have been actively working with our ND but we have not had the big formal test done because the results would become part of her medical record, instead we just function as if she has it and protect her accordingly). This is the awful reality of our healthcare system.


Technically if you have a diagnosis you will have to disclose it regardless of who paid. It's just harder for them to prove it if you get care off the radar. The good news is that depression is one of those things that sort of falls off your record a certain number of years after it is resolved.


One more thought, I know we have an insanely high deductible policy so it's actually cheaper for me to pay cash for a lot of things as many providers will allow you to pay less if they don't have to run it through insurance (this assumes you haven't met your deductible of course).

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:grouphug: I know policies differ, but I have not had any trouble with coverage for my OCD, and ds's ADHD, anxiety, and Asperger's. We once had a plan that didn't cover mental health except inpatient (smart policy, huh?). Our current policy covers mental health and counseling. We've not had trouble with insurance companies not wanting to cover me/us.


I'd get the help you need, and not worry about the insurance issue.



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