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Paging Dr. Hive - Heart Rate Question

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How low is too low for my heart rate? Mostly resting {sitting at the pc} with light house activity. My blood pressure is okay {slightly high} but my heart rate is running quite low.


I am slightly hypothyroid from medication and on propranolol to lower my heart rate {I have grave's Disease} and forgot and ate cauliflower last night, which makes me more hypo which in turn lowers the heart rate further.


Hoping someone here might be a nurse or similar and can answer my question - if I call my doctor she'll want me to come in and I'm just not up to it today.

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How low is too low for my heart rate? Mostly resting {sitting at the pc} with light house activity. My blood pressure is okay {slightly high} but my heart rate is running quite low.


I am slightly hypothyroid from medication and on propranolol to lower my heart rate {I have grave's Disease} and forgot and ate cauliflower last night, which makes me more hypo which in turn lowers the heart rate further.


Hoping someone here might be a nurse or similar and can answer my question - if I call my doctor she'll want me to come in and I'm just not up to it today.


I have the same condition as you but it seems strange that you have hypothyroidism AND taking meds to lower your heart rate.


Anyway, I am between 55-60. I have hypothyroidism because I took the radioactive iodine for my Graves Disease. At one time, I did take medication to lower my heart rate but that was before the iodine when I had hyperthyroidism.


Do you exercise? People who exercise quite a bit have lower resting heart rates.

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I have the same condition as you but it seems strange that you have hypothyroidism AND taking meds to lower your heart rate.


Anyway, I am between 55-60. I have hypothyroidism because I took the radioactive iodine for my Graves Disease. At one time, I did take medication to lower my heart rate but that was before the iodine when I had hyperthyroidism.


Do you exercise? People who exercise quite a bit have lower resting heart rates.


Mine is being managed with medication {Methimazole} and we're trying to find me a good dose again after lowering it - my Endo says I need to lower again, and I'm trying to let things level out first so I can see where I'm at. I've been on the propranolol since being in thyroid storm 5 years ago, and have become dependent on it {I had underlying cardiac issues though}. Normally my heart rate is about 75-90 at rest, but without medication it gets quite high. Today my heart rate is about 60 and I feel terrible in and around my heart and in general.


I don't get much exercise but I try to - I also have Fibromyalgia.

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Heart rate matters more about what is normal for YOU than what is "normal".


Since you feel poorly, and your HR is low for YOU, I would get to the DR today.


For ME, my resting HR is in the low 50s, but I am a serious runner.


A resting HR lower than 60 is a cause for investigation in non-atheletes, even though, in general, the lower the resting HR, the healthier the heart. (Lance Armstrong's resting HR is in the 30s!! Not many people's hearts are strong enough to circulate your blood properly with that few beats per minute . . .) If my resting HR was suddenly in the 70s or 80s, I'd be looking for a cause (overtraining, illness, pain) . . . but for other people, 70s or 80s (or even higher) might be very normal!



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Mine is being managed with medication {Methimazole} and we're trying to find me a good dose again after lowering it - my Endo says I need to lower again, and I'm trying to let things level out first so I can see where I'm at. I've been on the propranolol since being in thyroid storm 5 years ago, and have become dependent on it {I had underlying cardiac issues though}. Normally my heart rate is about 75-90 at rest, but without medication it gets quite high. Today my heart rate is about 60 and I feel terrible in and around my heart and in general.


I don't get much exercise but I try to - I also have Fibromyalgia.


I would get into the dr. today.

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I think the fact that you feel terrible is important and that is that is why I would call immediately.


I am Hypothyroid, also.


My resting heart rate (by home bp cuff) is frequently in the low 50's and has been as low as 46. But, I feel fine. I'm not dizzy or tired when it does that. Nurses have commented on my low pulse, but I had never realized how low it was or that it was odd.

Edited by snickelfritz
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I'm going to try to see if it continues to improve - I went to the lower dose suggested by my endo today and hopefully it will help some. If not I will call her tomorrow and see if she wants me to come in or not.


I hate to go in as a walk-in especially feeling poorly. I have to walk about a block to the office from where the city bus lets off and I know I am not up to that today plus having to wait possibly until 10 pm to be seen.

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