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35 wks pregnant and my entire body hurts!

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WHY? I feel like my hips are out of place, my fingers hurt, my legs hurt, my back hurts and my muscles ache! I don't remember feeling like this with other pregnancies! I did however have body aches while nursing my youngest and ramped up the vitamin d intake and felt better within days.


Is it just normal pregnancy aches and pains or something else?

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I felt like that with my last one and could barely move I was so miserable. She ended up coming right around 35 weeks via placental abruption, but when they sent everything to the lab, I had also had some kind of intrauterine infection (can't remember the exact details) that probably contributed to my misery.


Ok...I Googled...I think this was it....chorioamnionitis.

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I'm right there with you. This is my 3rd pregnancy and my c-section is scheduled for April 18th. My joints all hurt so bad that I'm hardly getting any sleep. I don't remember being this uncomfortable with my other two either. Maybe it is a 3rd pregnancy thing? Combined with horrible allergies, I'm a pretty miserable mama! At least we get to be done before it gets way too hot though!

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I'm right there with you. This is my 3rd pregnancy and my c-section is scheduled for April 18th. My joints all hurt so bad that I'm hardly getting any sleep. I don't remember being this uncomfortable with my other two either. Maybe it is a 3rd pregnancy thing? Combined with horrible allergies, I'm a pretty miserable mama! At least we get to be done before it gets way too hot though!




I haven't slept much either...and oh my the allergies! If it wasn't for Zyrtec, afrin, and chlortrimeton I would surely die!


Sorry you are feeling bad...we are on the home stretch though!

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