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Fast sunburn relief needed

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My ds (10) put sunblock on every few hours yesterday but he still got a burn on his shoulders. Unfortunately it is already getting stiff and he has to pitch at 9 am tomorrow morning for their playoffs. Last night I gave him Advil and Benadryl right away and put aloe on it several times. This morning it is hurting even more. I gave him Advil and Benadryl again and plan to have him apply aloe quite often during the day.


Do you have any other suggestions that will help it to heal fast and also prevent the stiffness that usually accompanies sunburn?


He's sad that he can't play outside today but don't you think that even if we apply a heavy sunblock and he wears a shirt that would cover his shoulders up that some of the rays would still get through?

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If he is going to be out in the heat....it will be worse. Maybe something like a spray (lanacane?) might help. Since it is on his shoulders...well...I feel for him....especially with pitching. I think the motrin is a good idea....there really isn't much that helps.

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I am very very fair and burned to a crisp in the presunscreen days of my youth, I can so relate to your son..poor fellow.

I used to take a bath in apple cider vinegar (like 1/2 cup in a half full bath tub) and it helped so much. I would then soak a washcloth in full strength apple cider vinegar and put it on my shoulders (it feels even better if you chill the wash rag in fridge for a bit). I do know it really worked for me, also aloe vera helped with the healling, but not hte pain like the vinegar.

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I've heard that olive oil works wonders. It has antioxidants in it to help the healing. Cocconut oil would be good too.


I would not send him out again today. It is just not worth the risk.


I'm sorry he is uncomfortable. It is never fun to recover from a sunburn.

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Aspirin. It causes increased bloodflow to the area which will help with the stiffness and prevents peeling. The skin just becomes a powder. Two aspirin every four hours until the burn is gone.


Then do what everyone else here has suggested externally for the pain... I used aloe vera and lanicane. The spray has the advantage of being very cold as well. I understand the tea bag thing works too but I've never tried it.

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honey, yogurt, witch hazel, black tea? I just don't want to risk making it worse. Should I just stick with the aloe?


They work.....I am very fair skinned as are my sons. Whiter than white is what we are. My sister's kids are red haired.....very fair......we've tried it all.....and they work.


The tea works, witch hazel and vinegar....I don't like using the vinegar because I can't stand the smell. never tried the yogurt. Honey is one of the best; they are even using that in burn wards now and for scars. Have surgery...put honey on the scar...I've done this beause I keloid so bad.


None of these will make it worse....try them.....you might even find they help the poor guy. Bless his heart.....


Good luck and I hope he is able to pitch his game tonight.....:grouphug:

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honey, yogurt, witch hazel, black tea? I just don't want to risk making it worse. Should I just stick with the aloe?


I know you are safe with honey, it has been used for thousands of years, and I have heard the black tea bags for 30 years and never heard of anyone complaining it did any damage. I have no idea of witch hazel

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Coconut oil, if you have it. It soothes the burn and moisturizes rather than holding the burn in like butter or similar oils. I have tried this and it worked rather well on a recent bad sunburn. I kept putting it on about every 3-4 hours and I didn't peel as badly and the pain went away a lot quicker than usual. Vinegar, aloe and tea also work well. Soaking in Epsom salts helped me too.

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