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Calling all FlyLady Dropouts: Report to me!

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There has to be hope, right? I really need to get things in shape around here. My school room is a disaster. I really need to get some school work in this summer, but it's chaos around here, I tell ya! My goal is to have schedules for me and my kids and to get the crap tamed. Again...who's with me!?! Anyone? :001_unsure:

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OK, I'm in.

I have been a flybaby for many years now, more on than off, and I unsubbed a couple of months ago because I felt I wasnt 'seeing' the reminders anyway, or doing them. But as usual when I unsub from Flylady, my house has deteriorated and I feel a little overwhelmed and I kind of scratch my head wondering why its not cleaning itself. It seems that even though I kind of go numb to the emails, on some unconscious level they still get my butt moving more than when I don't have them. I think just little things like being aware of what zone we are in for the week actually makes my mind go there and my body follows at some point :)

Anyway, I need it again. I can't seem to function as well without Flylady.

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okay, I am a dropout too! I will gladly report for duty! I was looking around at my sofa, but hey, it is covered in 3 loads of laundry from last evening I need to fold/seperate/put up...

I better get going and "buzz around" on my house...LOL

I actually have been doing so much better the last 6 months, my house stays pretty clean but laundry room and rec room are disasters...must take control of them.


So RichwithKids, since we have reported for duty, I'm expecting you to set a fine example as a leader ;) and go whip your house into shape. Have fun! :D

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I dropped out before I even joined! Now THAT'S sad! I get overwhelmed easily and the site was too busy!


So if I do join YOU, what do I do? Actually clean house???


Of course not...you bless your house...


Seriously, this is the only thing that works for me if I stay with it. Tackling it all at once never works. The chaos makes me grumpy and irritable and then I yell at my kids. I realized during my mid-day rampage yesterday, it's not just them, it's me. I'm the adult and I need to set the example, right? Telling them to go clean their room isn't enough. We've got to get it cleanable and then my plan of attack is to have set chores each day. I can do this, right? People have 5 kids and clean house, right?

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okay, I am a dropout too! I will gladly report for duty! I was looking around at my sofa, but hey, it is covered in 3 loads of laundry from last evening I need to fold/seperate/put up...

I better get going and "buzz around" on my house...LOL

I actually have been doing so much better the last 6 months, my house stays pretty clean but laundry room and rec room are disasters...must take control of them.


So RichwithKids, since we have reported for duty, I'm expecting you to set a fine example as a leader ;) and go whip your house into shape. Have fun! :D


I feel like if I check in here and blog about it, I'll be more likely to succeed. I'm a project girl, you see. You guys are about to see every inch of my house as I get it clean. :blushing: This should be humbling...

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Again...who's with me!?! Anyone? :001_unsure:


Are you interested in someone who does FlyLady and hasn't dropped out? :)


Maybe my Flylady testimony will encourage those who have dropped out. I actually attempted Flylady for the first time a few years back. As many of you have said, once the emails started coming in, I got overwhelmed and stopped before I started. *However*, two years ago I read the book and have been a changed woman in terms of my approach to housekeeping. Seriously, the book did the trick for me. It enabled me to better get my mind around what it was I was really supposed to be doing with all those emails! :tongue_smilie:


With FL, I love the fact that my home is always "spring cleaned" right down to baseboards, light switch plates, etc, etc. I am an organizer/planner and this system suits me very well. But, again, I had to read the book for it to click. Maybe that would work for some of you, too?


In any case, I'll be happy to go arm in arm with you as you attempt to regain control over your abode! God speed to you in your endeavors!




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Honestly, only use what works for you. There are *many* days where the emails just get deleted without my reading them. Right now, the most I need from them is just to remind me which Zone we're in. The rest of the info I have tucked in a notebook (chores I like to do for each zone, etc). *You* determine *how* to make the info gel in your mind and run with it! ;-)

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Sooooooooo, where do we begin?


On another board I was on, for awhile one of the ladies would say a goal for that week. That was very helpful for me, because there are so many possibilities of things to do that I get overwhelmed and run to the WTM Forums! If someone says, "Do this." Then I can do that. But choosing on my own where to begin....I wm don't do so well!


But how is this one going to work?

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Well, I shined my sink. Gonna move on to Day 2 of the BabySteps. I'm really going to try to stick to the step by step instructions. Before, I skipped ahead.


As for how this should work, I'm documenting my progress on my blog. I'll be more than happy to do a daily post here to keep us motivated. Thanks for jumping on the bandwagon with me, ladies!

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[Good grief, this got long!]


I'm in. I'm still trying to make it work for me. I wish there was a way to decide which email reminders to get. I did just buy the FL timer, calendar, feather duster and rubba-scrubba. Fwiw, I am allergic to dust, and feather dusters aren't the best for controlling dust. But it works great for a quick dusting, especially areas that are hard to reach, like the chandelier over the dining table.


I want to make my own control journal, but that overwhelms me . Were leaving on vacation tomorrow, but when we get back in a week, I'll resubscribe to the emails and start working on my routines. I want to read the book, but haven't been able to get it at the library.


The current plan is for both of my dc to attend school in the fall. I may be substitute teaching a couple of days a week. On busy days, I don't want to spend all my family time cleaning house. On days where I'm not teaching and the dc are in school, I don't want to spend all day cleaning house, lol.

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Well Rich, I am so impressed with your kitchen sink but we need to have a talk about that bathroom sink situation ;)

I really hope all you other dropouts will check out rich's blog and see her shiny sink, and also perhaps you could give her some helpful ideas for her bathroom sink http://bp1.blogger.com/_v3qVhlauJDU/RzTAl3wY4vI/AAAAAAAAAFM/W0XEncQRgd8/s1600-h/Barbie+Hot+Tub :lol:

That picture totally cracked me up! I'm psyched up and ready to roll :auto:

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Flylady drove me insane! Sorry, but there it is. Can't stand it. I even looked into it AGAIN thinking maybe it has changed...nope. :tongue_smilie:


I found something I like MUCHO better: Motivated Moms. The schedule keeps me on course, reminds me of things I need to do, plus it has space to add in your own personalized daily chores, one of mine being 'iron 5 items.' I always let the ironing build up to monsterous proportions and then would have to iron for three hours to catch up. Ironing 5 items a day keeps me all caught up, and takes only about 10-15 minutes. I am seriosuly contemplating taking their yearly schedule and creating my own off of it...a more personalized creation. We'll see...maybe someday. ;)

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You know, I should do it too.

I have dropped out at least twice, if not three times.

Those baby step reminder thingies get on my nerves and overwhelm me.

There's got to be a way to get the support and guidance of the reminders without the reminders. Or at least without those reminders.


I might do it with you. I've been cleaning today anyhow.

Of course now I'll need to keep sitting here and read the other 3 pages of posts in this thread.



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Well Rich, I am so impressed with your kitchen sink but we need to have a talk about that bathroom sink situation ;)

I really hope all you other dropouts will check out rich's blog and see her shiny sink, and also perhaps you could give her some helpful ideas for her bathroom sink http://bp1.blogger.com/_v3qVhlauJDU/RzTAl3wY4vI/AAAAAAAAAFM/W0XEncQRgd8/s1600-h/Barbie+Hot+Tub :lol:

That picture totally cracked me up! I'm psyched up and ready to roll :auto:


Yeah...Prince Derrick is kind of a ho...Does Mattel make a Barbie Penicillin?

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Oh, I"m a member all right. I can't figure out why it bothers you all so much to get those emails. I have no trouble at all ignorning them. :rofl:


Seriously...I just deleted my 'Flylady' emails...about 550 of them...all unopened.


I do fairly good morning routines...ds8 even has his...but since summer started I am so busy and have been gone so much that I can't get anything done. I hope to star getting organized by the first of July.

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I've tried FlyLady 3 times in the last ten years. I dropped out, however...I have to say, some things really stuck with me and became good habits. One being the sink. I got so used to doing that, that I can NOT go to sleep, until sink is shiny and clean. Before Fly lady, I'd sometimes leave a couple dishes from dinner or what have you...now, no way. :) My bathroom is always company ready as well, and we ALL use that bathroom.


I may sign up again.

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.... does my house really NEED to be THAT clean? I think it's okay to have a little dust in some places. Gah. To clean that bathroom EVERY DAY? To beat myself up if I don't clean my SWITCHPLATES? Good grief.


FlyLady feels like a bad diet to me -- something you go on and off of, but never really adjust yourself to as a permanent way of life. I mean, it just seems to be begging for burnout. Just my two cents.

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... We have always maintained an organized, reasonably clean home, but a year and half ago, my husband and I were blessed with beautiful twin daughters. They were healthy at birth (7 pounds each!), but it soon became apparent that something was going wrong with their digestive tract. Long story short, they both had pyloric stenosis (a tightening of the muscle at the base of the stomach), so little to no food could pass through. Guess where it all landed?


On our carpets, in the cribs, oozing down the sofa, inside my shirt, on my oldest daughter's head, on the linoleum in the kitchen, in the car, all over the carseats, etc., etc., etc. Two babies + projectile vomiting = messy.


My kitchen sink was ALWAYS clean. I didn't even know about FlyLady then, but having two babies who needed to be bathed every 30 minutes, along with a C-section (couldn't bend over the tub back then), meant that the kitchen sink was NEVER allowed to be a resting place for so much as a spoon. To this day, I can not leave anything in the sink. I am cured.


So are the babies, by the way.


During that time, I never even thought about switchplates. ;)

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During that time, I never even thought about switchplates. ;)


I agree. My goal is not to have the perfect house. I just get so tired of stepping on crap. This is a family project. I was not trained as a kid to pick up after myself and I realize this is so important to teach at an early age. I don't want to just shut the bedroom door and let them be OK with being sloppy. I want them to take care of what we have. I hope we can pull it off...:001_smile:

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I'm in too. We've recently added organized sports for the kids to our already busy schedule, plus going to the river and boating/picknicking/skiing every weekend during the summer means I have a lot less time to "catch up" from the week, and I need to be more organized. Since we school year round, I don't ever really feel like I have a month or two to get it back together, and I'm tired of things not working for me. I'm ready to be able to relax and enjoy my house without constantly feeling behind.


All that said, I CANNOT do all those e-mails, so I will choose a detailed home management journal and checking the website for the missions and such. I'm off to wash the dishes and shine my sink. :)

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