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Royal Fireworks Press weekend conference

Would you be interested in a RFWP weekend conference at Valley Forge College July 5th  

  1. 1. Would you be interested in a RFWP weekend conference at Valley Forge College July 5th

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Yes, Dr. K. thinks we have enough interested for it to move forward. He has booked Dr. Dave (you can check out Dr. Dave's science curricula at the Royal Fireworks Press website). Susan Wise Bauer is booked so she won't be attending that weekend.


We are talking w/ the college about nicer dorms!!!! :001_smile:

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Yes, Dr. K. thinks we have enough interested for it to move forward. He has booked Dr. Dave (you can check out Dr. Dave's science curricula at the Royal Fireworks Press website). Susan Wise Bauer is booked so she won't be attending that weekend.


We are talking w/ the college about nicer dorms!!!! :001_smile:


Thanks for the update!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have good news and bad news, which one do you want first?


The bad news?


The RFWP conference has been canceled. The Christian College changed their terms of service and dramatically increased the price. They also didn't confirm better, livable dorms for us for the increase price and wanted a guaranteed # to commit to the dorms. Dr. K didn't feel this was acceptable while trying to keep the conference registration fee to a minimum. Last year all of the registration money went towards the venue rental/dorms.


Now for the good news to cheer you up. :D


The conference has been rescheduled and will be done in conjunction with our very own SWB the last week of June 2013. PUT THIS ON YOUR CALENDARS NOW!!!! Do not plan vacation this week. :lol: Location will most likely be Northern VA so save your tax refunds for next year. :D


Seriously, there is nothing like being able to sit and engage w/ SWB or MCT or any of the other speakers in a small intimate setting. And meeting fellow WTMers was PRICELESS!!!!! Being in an area with so few HSers and even fewer classical HSers, I was in the company of my peeps for the first time!!


So, sorry to be the bearer of bad news and so late. Dr. K. had left me a voice mail some time ago but I didn't get it so I called him yesterday.

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This is good news for me! We will be in the middle of moving during the week the conference was scheduled this year so wouldn't have been able to make it afterall. It's also well worth it to wait for next year when we will have SWB!!

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Guys, I hate to be the bubble-burster, but I'm not booked for this. Tom and I had a brief in-the-aisles conversation about possible dates at Cincinnati, but I have not heard from him again. The last week of June 2013 (he may have mentioned it, but I was on my way to a workshop and had no way to make a note of the conversation) is actually the ALA annual conference, which I may need to attend. And as many of you know, I'm not actually doing conferences in 2013--I thought that we were discussing the 2014 possibilities.


I'm still up for discussing 2014. But this 2013 conference isn't on my schedule, we never even exchanged emails about possible dates, and I'm a little startled that it is appearing as a "done thing."



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I'm so sorry Susan! I even asked Dr. K. if it was OK to say this and he said yes. Sigh...... He'll be at the Conn convention which I think you will be at and hopefully you both can discuss 2014. I will be sure to verify anything with you before saying anything in the future. :confused:


I was so hoping for a 2013 Susan Wise Bauer fix!!!!


Guys, I hate to be the bubble-burster, but I'm not booked for this. Tom and I had a brief in-the-aisles conversation about possible dates at Cincinnati, but I have not heard from him again. The last week of June 2013 (he may have mentioned it, but I was on my way to a workshop and had no way to make a note of the conversation) is actually the ALA annual conference, which I may need to attend. And as many of you know, I'm not actually doing conferences in 2013--I thought that we were discussing the 2014 possibilities.


I'm still up for discussing 2014. But this 2013 conference isn't on my schedule, we never even exchanged emails about possible dates, and I'm a little startled that it is appearing as a "done thing."



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