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Why are YOU up?

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I am up because I am having friends over for a Midsummer's Eve party and I am way behind in my preparations. I am getting further behind because every time I look at the papers on the dining room table that I need to sort I visit the board instead of dealing with them.

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Oh yum. The thought of granola is going to make *my* stomach implode with hunger. lol


No exciting reason for me being up. Just putting the last few items together for my book order for next year. Just. one. more. thing.


Come to think of it, I said that about 10 items ago. :lol:

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Because the house is finally quiet and now I can think. The question is, why do I come here and just sit instead of doing lesson plans while I can think? :) If I could figure out a way to get these kids back into napping, I'd be okay.


You wouldn't think at the ages mine are they'd still be pestery, but oh, they are. When I tell them, "Let me work on this, or you won't have any school work for next year!" they get even goofier.

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I'm up because I am waiting for friends to arrive from Peru tonight! Hubby just went to pick them up from the airport! :hurray: Oh and I'm making granola and the smell is about to make my stomach implode with hunger. :drool:


We just came in from watching this go up



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I am up because it's the only time i get a quiet house by myself! AND my daughter needs to be to swimming at 6:30 a.m,.!



It's still only 1:15 am here. But I must get up at 6:30 as we have a function we must be at before 9. Booooooo to hacking all night.

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I'm UP because the renovations on the semis are finished . . . just about finished.:tongue_smilie:


I'm UP because we're almost finished an entire year of Math! :D


I'm UP because I'm getting together this morning with a whole bunch of local homeschooler's that I've not met before! :lol:


Happy Friday, all!

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This is probably long after you are in bed, but I am up because I just spent 4 hours taking my kids to a jolly (:glare:) Scout Camp an hour away. Why does it have to take so long? We meet at the local Scout Hall at 5 pm, Great. I volunteer to be a driver. At 5.40 the last person we are waiting for turns up. Why do people do that? No explanation, no apology- then the mum asks me to drop off and get their child some food on the way because they haven't eaten yet....hellooooo, we have been standing around since 5pm, we haven't eaten either, we could be almost up there by now.....it's another 15 minutes before we are all off. An hours drive. We get there. Its freezing- bitterly cold. But forecast to be clear for the weekend- thats a change, the last few camps have been wet. So thats good. My daughter then slams her finger in the car door, and now cant move it. I run over a Scout leader's foot ..he wouldnt stop trying to give me directions and I already knew the way, so i was trying to give him the hint and back slowly off, smiling and nodding...darn it, his foot was in the way. He reckons its ok though. I need to learn patience, I tell you. But Scouts has taken over our lives! Another hour in the freezing cold up there while we unpack and start putting up tents in the dark-I made excuses and left at the same time as another parent. Starving. And another hour home.

So here I am. A little grumpy. Full tummy now though, and blobbing out on the computer, having been away from it all day, before going to bed.

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