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Swine Flu and brain function

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Is it possible to loose I.Q. points/change personality after a bout with Swine Flu?

Influenza in general can cause neurological complications, and a higher rate of neurological issues were seen with swine flu than regular seasonal flu. I'm not sure if they've documented a loss of IQ, but it's certainly likely. And personality changes are definitely documented.



One Article


In their retrospective study, Josh Bonkowsky, M.D., Ph.D., and colleagues examined neurological complications in children with H1N1 compared to the seasonal flu. Children (younger than 19 years of age) who were hospitalized with H1N1 and neurological complications between April 1 and November 30, 2009 were included in the study. In the comparison group, the research team used records of children hospitalized with seasonal flu and neurological complications from July 1, 2004-June 30, 2008. Neurological complications observed included seizures, febrile seizures, status epilepticus, encephalopathy*, encephalitis, myositis, myalgia, aphasia, ataxia, neuropathy, Gullain-Barre syndrome, or other focal neurological complaints.


*encephalopathy (defined as altered mental status, or personality changes in patients lasting more than 24 hours and occurring within 5 days...)

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My kids seemed unaffected in that way, but we refused to treat with Tamiflu because of those types of side effects. If the fever was extremely high, that is definitly possible. A high fever can cause brain damage. Any virus, if it gets to your brain, can cause.problems. If you are really concerned, I would see the doctor. They may want to check further for infection or other problems if the changes are long lasting (more than just a few days.)

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