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Kathleen in VA- aboout the One Year Adventure Novel

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Thanks for the link! This looks very interesting. Has your daughter enjoyed it? How much time per day does she spend?- I'm wondering if my ds would complete any other school work if I purchased this.:001_smile: I'd love to hear more about it if you have time.



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Well, we just bought it and she is just beginning so I'm not sure I could be of much help. I will say that this is a demanding course. I am not a stickler with her because she is self-motivated - she thinks about it a lot and writes a little. Although it is geared to be done 3 days a week - it really depends on how easily ideas come to you. It is not a fill-in-the-blank type curriculum.


It takes determination to really think through the lessons and try to come up with something worthwhile. I have already told her that I don't mind if it takes her two years (or more, lol) to complete it. I just want her to be satisfied with her work. The lessons themselves are excellent and I love the teacher's methods. He includes video clips to illustrate his points. When my 11yo son saw it, he asked me to order a workbook for him, too :).


You can order a free demo DVD from the website - http://www.oneyearnovel.com


Let me know if you have any more questions. Again, I'm not sure I can be of any help since we are just beginning. Oh, I did email the author with my questions and he graciously emailed back and answered in much detail. I was concerned that since it is designed to produce an "adventure" novel, it might not be suited to my daughter who likes Pride and Prejudice types of stories. He said that one of the students in the test group wrote a "character driven" novel using the curriculum and it worked fine.

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The instructor does address this in one of the first lessons. He says that fantasy is harder and tries to steer students away from it just because it is challenging, but if your son is already writing fantasy and prefers that genre, it could possibly work.


Sorry, - just realized it is your *daughter* not your son. Oops!

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