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Food/Drink before surgery?

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Is there a magic time frame that one should be NPO (no food/drink) before surgery? Originally, my surgery for tomorrow was going to be LAST Tuesday around 10am. They were telling me nothing to eat or drink after midnight.


Well, now it is scheduled for 2pm tomorrow and they're STILL telling me nothing to eat or drink after midnight. I'm really a breakfast kind of gal, so this is going to be VERY hard for me.


Based on the first time frame, I needed to be about 10hr without food/drink. So, by that logic, couldn't I eat/drink up until 4am for tomorrow's 2pm surgery?


I get that they don't want me to throw up and/or aspirate, but.....I might just dry up and blow away with no food until 6pm tomorrow night, lol.

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They don't want you to eat or drink from midnight in case someone doesn't show and they move up your case. I think it's really a 6 hour thing since some doctors let people have a pill with a sip of water. Don't go in the kitchen, it will be easier. :grouphug:

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I agree with Starr; they tell everyone midnight so that they can shift you earlier if they need to.


Sorry, but I'd not eat after midnight if I were you. :grouphug: When I did the kidney donation with my sister, I was careful to not eat for however long before they told me, and I apparently still managed to vomit bile when coming out of the anesthesia. I'm glad I didn't 'cheat' and eat later than I should've, or there could have been complications. It really is important to follow the instructions.

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But see, now I know how/when to pray for your tomorrow. And of course, the first thing you should do upon awakening from anesthesia is update the Hive. :D


Seriously though, I will be praying. :grouphug:


Well of course!! I'll probably be having withdrawls by that point anyway!

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I'm hypoglycemic, and so always ask to go in as early as possible because o fthe midnight rule.

This last knee surgery I had wasn't scheduled until 3pm, and I was really worried. I almost ate breakfast at 5am....

Well - they called at about 10:30 and bumped me up to noon.

I possibly still would have been fine, but they asked me about the 12 hours prior. If you get bumped to 6 or 7 am, even midnight is cutting it close.

If you can't make it that long, then I'd reschedule.

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I'm a nurse so I'm going to have to agree with the midnight rule. I will suggest you drink A LOT today. The more dehydrated you are the harder it is to get an IV in. I know this as a nurse and as a patient. I had surgery last month and as you know nurses are terrible patients so I didn't even think about eating or drinking extra the day before. I had a small glass of water at 11pm then went to bed (but didn't get any sleep lol) my surgery was scheduled for 730am. Because of the type if surgery I was having and the high risk of bleeding complications they had to get an IV in me big enough to give blood through if needed. I'm known as an easy stick, but they almost canceled my surgery because they couldn't get the right size IV in me. I was mildly dehydrated and my veins were terrible . They finally got it and I did have surgery without needing blood, but I learned my lesson. So drink, drink, drink and eat good too :001_smile:. I will be saying prayers for you.

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Some surgeons and surgeries will be pickier than others, and yes, they may bump you up.


I once had a 4pm surgery, and the surgery coordinator said nothing after my normal dinner other than water to take medication. And they asked that same question when I got there. I was hungry...

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The official rules according to the American Society of Anesthesiologists are:


2 hours- clear liquids

4 hours- breastmilk (I work in pediatrics, so we see this one all the time.)

6 hours- milk, formula

8 hours- full meal


Best wishes for an easy day tomorrow!

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