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Signing Off for a While (Board Break)

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I'm putting myself back in middle school, because I want to be smarter than a classically educated 5th grader. ;) Also, with three bright students coming up the road behind me, I need to be a guide who knows where she is going. I can't teach what I don't know. And I don't know much, truthfully.


I have decided to take a long, total, serious break from all online time in order to study. But before I do, I would like to say that I've appreciated my time here. In many ways, I have learned most of what I know about homeschooling from these boards, so I am grateful to have been here for the past several years.


And now, before I get all emotional about it, please help me get set up for "middle school." :D Here's my line-up for the upcoming year (so far):


Christian Faith -- The Holy Bible

I'll continue to read through the entire Bible.


Latin -- Memoria Press First Form Latin

A few years back, I made my way through some units of Henle I, but now think it would be best to simply start over with FF1.


Logic -- Memoria Press Traditional Logic I

Please say something encouraging about this course, because for some reason, I'm dreading it. :tongue_smilie:

Mathematics -- AoPS Pre-Algebra

I didn't take a placement test, just decided to start here. I don't care if this course is too easy, hopefully it will ease me into math again. Ordinarily, I never touch the stuff.


Music -- Alfred's Essentials of Music Theory Complete Course

I don't plan to complete the entire course this year, but I would like to make progress through some lessons.


History -- Notgrass Company's America the Beautiful

I have (and like) this course, which includes two spine volumes, a maps resource, a timeline volume, and a volume of original historic documents. It's simple enough for a fifth grader, so just right for this time around, LOL.


Literature -- ??

I need suggestions here. I'd like to read more Shakespeare; something ponderously heavy from the Great Books list (that I don't understand AT ALL, just for practice); and something lighter (e.g., Jane Eyre).


I'll check back in for a day or two, to see if there are any suggestions for study materials, especially for 4-5 literature picks. Then I'm off to study....


I bid you peace.



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Beth, I wish you all the best with your endeavor. I have worked alongside my 11th grader this year relearning chemistry and encountering marine science for the first time. It has left little time for the board, but it has dramatically improved my relationship with my son. When he knows that I stayed up until the wee hours studying stoichiometry ( I not even sure I can spell it:D) so we could talk about it and work the problems together, he feels even more valued and is willing to go the extra mile.

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Literature -- ??

I need suggestions here. I'd like to read more Shakespeare; something ponderously heavy from the Great Books list (that I don't understand AT ALL, just for practice); and something lighter (e.g., Jane Eyre).


I'll check back in for a day or two, to see if there are any suggestions for study materials, especially for 4-5 literature picks. Then I'm off to study....


I bid you peace.




Wishing you well Beth on this meaningful journey!


I see the absence of Science on your list. May I suggest that you prepare yourself for the years ahead by reading Farraday's wonderful lectures entitled The Chemical History of a Candle. They can be downloaded from Gutenberg.


For your Great Books reading, you might want to consider something from the Ancients. Many parents are uncertain as they approach high school that their children will be able to understand Plato, Aristophanes or Thucydides. But they do and are often captivated by Greek thought. You could choose a play or even a couple of sections from Plutarch Lives.


And now for the perhaps off the wall suggestion: do you sketch? Perhaps to give your life some balance you might want to try your hand at biological illustration or watercolors. This is a good skill for middleschool students and a lovely break from heavy reading.


Peace to you.


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Wishing you well Beth on this meaningful journey!


I see the absence of Science on your list. May I suggest that you prepare yourself for the years ahead by reading Farraday's wonderful lectures entitled The Chemical History of a Candle. They can be downloaded from Gutenberg.


For your Great Books reading, you might want to consider something from the Ancients. Many parents are uncertain as they approach high school that their children will be able to understand Plato, Aristophanes or Thucydides. But they do and are often captivated by Greek thought. You could choose a play or even a couple of sections from Plutarch Lives.


And now for the perhaps off the wall suggestion: do you sketch? Perhaps to give your life some balance you might want to try your hand at biological illustration or watercolors. This is a good skill for middleschool students and a lovely break from heavy reading.


Peace to you.



Oh, Jane's suggestions are wonderful. I am now intrigued to check out Farraday's lectures. For science, another option would be see if you can get The Teaching Company lecture series on The Joy of Science. You can pick up the text for cheap on Amazon and give yourself a good background. Or take a look at the Nova offerings and pick a few of interest.


If you choose to read one of the more weighty books on the Great Books list, then be sure to take a little time to do some context work. It will increase your understanding as you read.


Have fun! Sometimes I worry that I home school more for me than my kids.:D

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