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DH has job interview tomorrow, please pray/send positive thoughts!

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He has a job, and knows that he is incredibly blessed to be working at all in this economy. However his current job is incredibly stressful and he is on call 24/7 and never ever gets a real break. He frequently gets calls at 4am, or multiple times during the wee hours, and several times this year has worked all night long and then showered and gone right back to work for a full day. He is also underpaid with no relief in sight. Money is a huge stress, and the lack of family time even more so. We had a flood in our kitchen in November, and to save money he is redoing everything himself (kitchen and the flooring and drywall in the family room that was also flooded.) With no free time though it still isn't done. Also the upper management keeps blaming his department (wrongly) for problems that are NOT problems that have anything to do with his department. He worries that he will be fired at any time. Three previous bosses have been fired already in the past 6 months.


This new job would be under a former boss of his, that he really really likes, at a different company. It would be $15,000 more a year, and would be 9am-5pm, NO nights and NO weekends. This would be SUCH an amazing blessing. He would also have job title that matches his skills and degree, meaning that later on if he needed to change companies he could list on his resume a much better job title.


I want this so badly for him! He deserves it. He works SO hard and I'd love to have him be rewarded for it. Please pray! His interview is at 10am.

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thank you all! He is at the interview now. It is very "casual" supposedly, where he is meeting the team and such. Dh is a great people person, so I trust it will go well...then we just have to worry about all the other factors. They will be pulling his credit report (yikes...no major stuff, but some late medical bills and such...score about 600) and background check, which is not an issue. We just want this SO much...I can't remember the last time I wanted something this much, other than to marry dh or have my kids.


Oh, and another amazing thing about this job is that the midwife we are using for my birth is IN NETWORK with the insurance company they use! OUr current insurance company is refusing to pay any of it, and has a homebirth exclusion, so we are looking at paying the whole thing out of pocket, which would have to come out of our retirement money. Last time they paid part of it, but I had to fight and stress the whole pregnancy to get even that covered. Having her be in network would be amazing, and would also mean I could use her for my well woman stuff too.


Oh, and they would pay for our internet connection and for his cell phone bill up to $150, for whatever smart phone he wants. Right now he has an assigned blackberry that barely works (takes 5 minutes to make a phone call sometimes). Just so many wonderful things that make it the perfect job for him......if only he doesn't die of anxiety before he finds out!

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