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Well....there's a first time for everything!

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Of all of my four children, I should have known it would be my youngest who would stick something up his nose! Thankfully on the way to urgent care he sneezed and it came out. It was really up in there! Ugh!:glare:

If he survives toddlerhood it will only be by the grace of God!

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Been there, done that! My now 8 year old stuck a piece of dehydrated apple (Gerber) up her nose when she was about 13 months old. Of course, it "rehydrated" once it was up in her nose. It took a trip to Urgent Care, where they couldn't even get it out with these long tweezers. She was so mad, it took 4 of us to hold her down so the doctor could "dig around in her nose." When we took a break (so she could breathe), she snorted and shot the piece of apple out and it landed on my arm!

Glad your experience was resolved with less trauma!

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I shoved a peanut up my nose when I was 3 or 4. I only remember it 'cause it was so traumatic. My parents and grandparents all huddled around me, trying to pick it out with tweezers and what not, making it bleed, saying things like Why in the WORLD did you do that?!" and "It sure is stuck in there." and so on.


And of course, I still get teased about it to this day. :tongue_smilie:

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My third shoved a dried cranberry up her nose a couple months ago. Doctor trip.


I'm actually surprised we made it that long before something like that happened. I was the queen of shoving things up my nose as a child. Perhaps it skips a generation?

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when my dd was a toddler, she stuck a vitamin (and not the gummy type) but a solid one up her nose. We took her to our ped. and he said that it would eventually melt so just leave it alone. As soon as we left the dr's office, dd sneezed it out. Another time, LATE at night, my ds got out of bed and stuck a lego in his ear. We had to take him to er and $50.00 dollars later it was out. When we asked him why he did it, he said he was laying in bed wondering if he stuck a lego in his ear, would he be able to get it out? Apparently not.

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And of course, I still get teased about it to this day. :tongue_smilie:


My dad put mashed potatoes in his ear when he was one and had to go the doctor. This was in 1938, and he still gets teased about it. :lol:


Ladies, it never stops. My 13yods pulled out his ear buds last week. The bud stayed in one ear, but the wire came out. :001_huh: Of course, we were two hours into a six hour drive out of town to visit family for a week.


I stopped at CVS, bought tweezers, and was able to pluck them out, as he held his ear up so I had a straight shot into his ear canal.


I don't think he really had them stuck inside his ear, but the pressure of the wire coming out stuck it further into his ear. Or something, who knows. I'm just glad I didn't have to shell out $100+ at a walk in clinic!

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My Eldest is almost 15...6 siblings follow...not a single issue until a month or so ago when we had back to back BB issues. The 6 yr old stuck one in his ear, requiring a visit to urgent care, 2 nights later I think it was, the 3 yr old stuck one up his nose. Dad was able to retrieve that.

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My 2yo ds has put pinto beans (dry) up his nose 3 times!!! We did a project involving beans and glue and he kept finding loose beans my 5yo ds left lying around. Then he took a chewing gum paper and balled it up and put it up his nose! Luckily I was able to convince home to blow his nose and get them all out without at Dr vist :) My 5yo ds has never put anything anywhere that didn't belong...thank goodness.

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