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What kind of testing for this kiddo?


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I'm trying to figure out how best to teach my oldest, and I'm wondering if some testing might nail down some issues. However, I don't know what kind of testing to do, so any suggestions would be appreciated.


- He's 8yo, just finishing 2nd grade.

- recently diagnosed with sensory issues (sensory seeking)

- mis-hears much of what he hears, though his hearing is good

- captivated by any kind of video

- responds "off" to things going on around him

- has a terrible time staying on task

- math is going poorly, though I suspect he's really a bright little boy

- a very strong reader, loves to read


I need to understand his learning style & how best to pick curriculum for him. Also, I suspect there might be something like Asbergers (sp?) syndrome going on.


What kind of testing would help this scenario?

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