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Poll - Cell phone owners only; iPhone or no?

Cell phone owners - do you have an iPhone  

  1. 1. Cell phone owners - do you have an iPhone

    • Yes, doesn't everyone?
    • No, not in a million!
    • Other, although it's a yes or no, and shouldn't require an "other"

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I have a smartphone but it isn't an iPhone. I might have considered an iPhone last year when we were shopping. At the time there was no carrier that provided iPhone service in my area. Now I could get service with Verizon, but the cost for comparable service for one iPhone per month is the same as I pay for 3 smartphones. I'd be pretty stupid to change.

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I thought just plain yes or no sounded too boring. Although the yes would fit for me, because I'm just that much in love with mine that I would wonder why everyone didn't have one (although in theory I know there are many reasons).


We do pay a good bit for our phone plan - nearly $300/month for a family talk plan for 5 people with 5 iPhones. Of course the first $150 covers the main line with the minutes and unlimited texting (which we would have regardless of the type of phone), and $10 per additional line would be charged no matter what type of phone. Our iPhones actually only cost us between $15 and $25/month each, depending on the data plans (dh and ds have the lower plan, the girls and I have the higher plan). Oldest dd is on my Mom's plan because we couldn't have more than 5 people.


The thing is, we all really USE our phones for alarm clocks, schedules (they have an awesome family scheduling app in addition to the calendar on the phone), reminders, appts, music (none of us need iPods, though I keep a shuffle in my car for hooking to my stereo), sending videos to one another (especially now that dd and dgs are gone), taking pictures (I don't own a digital camera), etc. in fact, I get a lot more quick videos of things I would otherwise miss because I always have my phone, whereas I wouldn't always have a camera or video camera handy. Of course there are also apps and games, which do come in handy when sitting in a doctor's office, or anywhere I have a long wait.


For us, it is TOTALLY worth every penny. I can see why it may not be so for others.

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No, I just have a regular cell phone (Virgin prepaid) and it is perfectly adequate for my extremely limited cell phone needs.


I am amazed by how many people have smartphones, though. I teach at a university and ALL of my students have them. The college babysitters I hire for 12 bucks an hour have them. They seem like great devices -- DH has an iPhone and it's fantastic for when he's traveling -- but considering that pretty much my entire life plays out in a 3-mile radius, I just can't come up with a decent justification for an iPhone. Or an iPad, for that matter. I barely even use my cellphone.


On the upside, though, when my cellphone recently fell out of my pocket at the zoo the people at the front desk knew what I was asking about right away, "Did you lose, like, a really small black phone? Like, really small?" Uh, yes, that would be it.

Edited by JennyD
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I LOVE my iPhone! My DD21 has an iPhone too. I'm too cheap to get my DD16 and DD14 iPhones, I don't want to pay for their data plans.


My DH still has a BlackBerry Bold, but he's getting ready to buy a new phone. I think he's leaning towards a Droid. He tells me his ideal cellphone would be the size of his Kindle Fire, that way he could see the screen. LOL

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Oh, I ♥ my iPhone! I got it in Nov and now I don't know how I lived without it. Seriously.

We'll be visiting family in the States next month and I'm practically hyperventilating over the thought of not having it with me. I could take it, but the internet roaming internet charges would kill me. 11 whole days without my iPhone!!!!

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We've been a mac family since 1984 (well, we were single and in college then, but we both had macs!). Dh has several ipods, including a touch. He will probably get an iPad soon. But we don't have iPhones. We wouldn't mind paying more for the phone itself, but the high monthly fee for what would essentially be a toy for us is something we can't justify. We both have cheapie dumb tracfones that cost us $20 every 3 months.


Maybe in a few years when the kids are teenagers we'll look at this again. Maybe by then the monthly fee will go down. One can hope.

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I voted other, because although I don't have one I don't fall into the "not in a million" category. The only reason I don't have one is because I'm a Sprint customer and they just got them last year and I'm not eligible for an upgrade until June 1st. I really , really want one but not $800 worth of want, so wait I must.

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Just got my iPhone after originally getting a Blackberry because it was what we could afford at the time. It soon became known as the Crapberry and I began my countdown for my upgrade.

I am now blissfully happy with my iPhone 4s. Siri is my friend. :)

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Oh, I ♥ my iPhone! I got it in Nov and now I don't know how I lived without it. Seriously.

We'll be visiting family in the States next month and I'm practically hyperventilating over the thought of not having it with me. I could take it, but the internet roaming internet charges would kill me. 11 whole days without my iPhone!!!!


LOL What will you do?! Seriously - I use mine all the time - my calendar, weather, FB, directions, etc, etc, etc! I get it!!!


Love, love, love my iPhone! Over-priced but worth it :)


:iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree: I TOTALLY agree!!!


But, we are on Sprint. My two older boys have Androids. Dh has an Android. I have an iPhone. Our 11 yo has the free phone. My iPhone cost $10 more a month. Yea. We can afford that!!!

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Not only do I not have an iphone, but my Samsung is not a touch screen.


DH had an old Blackberry before his work gave him an iPhone. I was trying to use it to call a friend one day and after about two minutes frustration realized that the darned phone didn't have a touchscreen. It's amazing how quickly we can move on and get spoiled, technologically speaking. :tongue_smilie:

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Well I voted yes, but I don't think everyone has an iPhone. :)


That. And, if you'd posted last year, it would have been "not in a million!" ... But then my Blackberry died and, um, :blushing: yeah, I love my iPhone. I'm typing on it right now!

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Considering I've never sent a text message and my total dialed/received number of calls per month on my cell is less than 10 on average, it would be a complete waste of money. So no I don't have one nor have any interest in having one.


I spend less than than $6.00 a month on my cell phone. I spend $25 a month on my husband"s and I think that is a ridiculously high amount, there is no way I could justify $80 a month for a cell phone (assuming that's an average cost of those things).


But I do have an ipad just so you don't think I'm completely technologically in the dark.


Oh and I'm one of the people from that thread a month or so ago who HATES talking on the phone which is probably why I consider spending money on them a complete waste. But clearly I'm in the minority on this.

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We are an iPhone family. My dh, ds and I all have them. With various replacements and upgrades, I think this is my 7th one :tongue_smilie: I think it is such a sensational piece of equipment! It is hard to imagine what life was like with out it ;)

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I said other. I know many people who love their iPhone, but I prefer my android. I have an HTC Inspire. The screen is bigger and the phone is light have an iTouch that I use for work. I enjoy using the Internet on my Android phone.


So I wouldnt say, not in a million years, but I would recommend something different.

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I love my android. I've had a Samsung Captivate for a year and a half. DH has the same phone, but it's funny because once you turn on the screens for both, you wouldn't know they were the same. DD has an iphone and she is impatiently waiting for the Galaxy Note to hit below $200 (hopefully by Mother's Day!), so that she can inherit my phone. I so covet the Galaxy Note. I don't even care that I'll look stupid with it up to my ear or won't be able to text one handed. :tongue_smilie:

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We are a mixed family. Dd and I have iPhones with plans. Other dd has hacked pay as you go iPhone and ds and Dh have androids.


Personally, I never want to live without my iPhone again. I don't even use my iPads much anymore. My phone is just as easy for me to use.

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We are a mixed family. Dd and I have iPhones with plans. Other dd has hacked pay as you go iPhone and ds and Dh have androids.




My husband uses one, through a work plan. I use ATT Go Phone (pay as you go), but was able to put my sim card into an old iPhone. I can text and make calls anywhere, but I don't have a data plan, so can only do other things when I'm using wifi.

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I voted other, because while I don't have an iPhone (I have BlackBerry), if given the opportunity to own an iPhone instead, I would not say, "No, not in a million!" If the poll answers had been simply "no" or "yes", I would have voted "no". However, I would not rule out the possibility of my owning one in the future. In fact, I am considering an iPhone for my next upgrade, for which I am now due.

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I voted other, because while I don't have an iPhone (I have BlackBerry), if given the opportunity to own an iPhone instead, I would not say, "No, not in a million!" If the poll answers had been simply "no" or "yes", I would have voted "no". However, I would not rule out the possibility of my owning one in the future. In fact, I am considering an iPhone for my next upgrade, for which I am now due.


This, except that I don't have a Blackberry now. I have a plain, old cell phone. So, not "no, not in a million," but simply, "No, not right now."

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