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Dear Neighbor, If you need me to ...

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... watch your kids, it's probably okay. But, do discuss it with me first. Don't just send the kids over to play with my kids and then go run an errand.


FWIW, our kids play together almost daily, running between the two houses. But it's now dinner time. I found out from one of the neighbor kids that they have to stay at our house, because their mom had to go somewhere. Unfortunately, my kids have to come in for dinner and DH is taking the kids to Awana in about 1/2 an hour. I have no idea when their mom is returning home. I assume it'll be very soon.




That's all. Just a small vent. It'll all work out.


ETA: their dad just came to get them. I guess he was there all the time. ?? I don't get it. Why am I babysitting if dad was home?

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... watch your kids, it's probably okay. But, do discuss it with me first. Don't just send the kids over to play with my kids and then go run an errand.


FWIW, our kids play together almost daily, running between the two houses. But it's now dinner time. I found out from one of the neighbor kids that they have to stay at our house, because their mom had to go somewhere. Unfortunately, my kids have to come in for dinner and DH is taking the kids to Awana in about 1/2 an hour. I have no idea when their mom is returning home. I assume it'll be very soon.




That's all. Just a small vent. It'll all work out.


ETA: their dad just came to get them. I guess he was there all the time. ?? I don't get it. Why am I babysitting if dad was home?



I don't think you were babysitting. The kids were wrong.


If it happens again, go to the house yourself and knock on the door or call. It sounds like it may be time to trade cell phone numbers just in case it happens again.


We used to have a neighbor girl who told stories like that. It was because she wanted to spend more time at our house (and that way we wouldn't send her home).


I could also see it as the kids overhearing part of what the parents are saying to each other and misinterpreting it.

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Turns out their mom told them to stay HERE (my house) because they wanted to play with my DDs. They thought (incorrectly) that they weren't allowed to go home. They just weren't allowed to bring my kids to their house. They all play outside, so I'm not sure why it matters, but there ya' go.


I'm so glad to find out that my neighbor hadn't completely lost her mind.

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Okay, I actually used to live next door to people who did what you THOUGHT was going on! I don't know how many times I told the neighbor kids to go home and they told me they couldn't because the door was locked. Really? Knock on it. Can't noone's home, we're supposed to wait with you. Riiiiiight.


I don't know how many times I addressed that to no avail. I mean, I KNOW I could have told them to go sit on their porch...but, I couldn't. Not in our neighborhood.


I actually was going to ask for your address to see if you are the family that bought our previous house. :lol::lol:

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I had a neighbor do this repeatedly to me. We lived in the same apartment complex, and she would see me and my kids at the playground and send out her very hostile 3 yo to "play" with us while she did her own thing. The woman didn't even know my name, much less whether I was a trustworthy babysitter. The boy would fight for no reason, take insanely dangerous risks on the equipment, etc.


I asked her not to do it anymore, but finally had to just leave everytime she sent him out. I hate it when people impose like that!

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