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Please Help Me "Name That Book!"

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I read a book in the 4th grade (approx.) that I remember absolutely LOVING, but for the life of me, I can't remember the name of it. Here's what few details I do remember (and they're kind of fuzzy):


The family was black & the main character was a little girl who went to live with her aunt & uncle. I want to say that the aunt & uncle had a child who had died. There was something about a garden that played an important role in the plot.


I know that's not much to work with, but does it ring a bell with anyone?


Thanks so much!!

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No, I haven't figured it out yet and it's driving me crazy!! I need to find a few moments to follow Suzanne's suggestion!


It seems like the fact that the little girl's aunt & uncle had a child who died was a big secret..... and the little girl came across her grave?! Maybe it was hidden in a garden in a forest behind their house? Ugh!! I'm left with a few bits & pieces and the distinct impression that it was the most fabulous book!

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